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AppNavi: The Dying Message Part I 死亡訊息 (上) (Free)

遊戲出到分上下集,其實都係 gimmik, 換個場境同一個故事啫。 今次差啲比把遮玩死,點可能收把遮响錢箱入面,要個遮柄拎出黎......

P.S.: 再次不停 hang 機,restart N 次先玩完個 game....


English walkthru:
1. Bandage: hanging bag, right side of the main door
2. Cord: plant shelf, inside the bottle
3. Make up bag: desk, right upper drawer
4. Money box: on the desk
5. Magnet: i. cabinet under the photo, see left side hints note on the left of the cabinet about the soy source
                 ii. look at the cabinet from the front side, adjust the red dot: left side moves up 1 ; right side to the top
6. Knife: go to the balcony, use magnet to remove blot on the shoe
7. Video Tape: check the knife, open up the screwdriver, get the tape from the player
8. Paper: photo frame,unlock with knife (use knife side)
9. Flower: curtain, use knife (knife side)
10. Unbrella handle: check the tape, see a hole, use flower
11. key: i. check money box, use umbrella handle, use magnet, use bandage
             ii. cabinet under the photo frame, look at the bottom of this cabinet, see sth underneath but too dark to see, use combined umbrella
12. Camera: desk, right lower drawer, use key
13. Glasses: back of the TV cabinet, left side between cabinet and the wall, use umbrella
14. Remote control:
i. check bookshelf, highest shelf, too high
ii. check camera, press the timer, check the bottom of the camera, see a hole
iii. check umbrella, take out the handle, double click the umbrella until extended
iv. check the bottom of the camera, hole, combine it with the umbrella
v. touch the highest shelf of the bookshelf, use camera
vi. check the camera screen, image too small
vii. check camera, press timer, press 'ZOOM IN', repeat 14 iv & v
viii. check photo again in camera, see password: 5090761
15. Password box: right side of the desk, keep clicking the middle drawer until the drawer can be taken out, take out the password box from the bottom of the upper right drawer
16. Broken Screwdriver: i. password box, enter: 5090761
                                      ii. go to the air con. use remote control, see it above the carton boxes
17. Mobile: desk, compartment under the chair, use the broken screwdriver
18. Leaving the room:
i. bookshelf, see red book, about a song
ii. check make up bag, use knife (knife side), see make up foundation box
iii. check paper, use make up foundation, see half hint
iv. left upper wall painting, use glass, use paper, get code: MINA1109
v. turn on the computer (middle left button), press "B" on the screen, cannot connect
vi. use phone on the computer, see instruction that cord is needed
vii. combine cord and phone, fail
viii. use magnet to cable
ix. use cord to phone, and use the combined phone to computer
x. enter password: MINA1109

can leave now....


  1. 呢集d clues幾易破, 我都係上左佢個forum望左兩眼, 之後自己破~
    不過把遮真係好夾硬, 竟然咁都有, 都唔知個女人生前點生活, 可以將遮柄拆出黎仲要將兩樣野放去兩個完全唔關事既地方~

  2. 冇錯,遮柄放响錄影帶都黎晒大譜啦

  3. DL左成日,直至現在都係失敗T.T

  4. 聽日再試啦,呢幾個星期出game 嗰日好多時都係咁....

  5. 點解一開始玩時都放大到部電腦,但玩到18時就放大唔到?

  6. 想唔通點解取磁鐵個櫃d紅點, 點解20ml係尾二, 8ml係最高??

  7. Samantha: 我玩過三次個 game 都冇呢個問題,或者你試吓重新玩.... 我都唔知點解

  8. sarah: 書枱左邊中間柜桶,不停拉出推入,直至完全拎出個柜,响第一格柜個底就見

  9. flora: 以 20 為底數,每一格就係 4,以下線為開始 (0), reduced salt 20 ml (右)係5 格,concentrated taste 8ml(左) 係 2 格

  10. 我去到個鹽櫃就解唔到要睇你嘅提示,哈哈。

  11. AppNavi 個個星期又 paid 又 free apps, 設計者其實都幾慘,死唔少腦細胞 :P 可能諗無可諗,之後出既會仲古怪

  12. 用遮拿不到锁匙。点解?

  13. 你要先點一次柜底,見下面有野但太黑咁,再組合遮,磁石同膠布先可以拎倒

  14. 係關於民謠,翻到最後一頁,第一次話要上網揾資料,之後再睇都唔會再講。但你應該都可以成功繼續開電腦既步驟的。

  15. hi! can you please translate the answer into english because I cant read it and can't copy and paste your answer into googletranslate! thanks so much in advance

  16. hi jojo, see translation above in text format, enjoy the game~

  17. thank you so so so much! love your blog! x

  18. 密碼按MINA1109結果說錯誤??
