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Iphone Escape Game: Antrim Escape 3 (USD3.99)

Antrim Escape 3 is out!!!!! 

開始左個頭,但估計要玩完的話尚要一段時間,未必會寫攻略,因為跟本好多都唔識形容點拎。雖然要 USD3.99, 但有幾個場境,根本可以當幾個遊戲玩,仲要有排玩嗰種,絕對比 AppNavi USD1.99 一個遊戲抵。最重要係.... 黎緊既星期日會減價... (我知得太遲 T^T):

Antrim Escape 2 

Hello fellow escapers! The day That everyone is waiting for is finally here. Antrim Escape III is released!! And we are so sure that you will love, love, love it.

Oh, to thank you for your support, we also want to tell you a little secret. We are doing a crazy 75% off promotion on Antrim Escape 3. If you can hold your horse until Sunday, you will pick up a bargain. Tell all your friends about it!


以上消息來自 Antrim Escape facebook page, 有人會於此 page 交流意見,可以一睇:

Game Download link:

Source: itune store

About Antrim 1 & 2:


  1. 等到頸都長... 不過仲未有人破解... 希望快d有得玩la~

  2. 我尋日廢寢忘餐咁玩... 就黎玩完,好玩 ^O^

  3. 第一關玩左大半, 但係未知點玩落去... 網上又未有攻略...
