1. 杯:茶几上
2. 藍色電話:點梳化同茶几間左邊,見主角個公事包,入面拎
3. 粉紅電話:微波爐下,左邊垃圾桶內
4. 𠝹刀:啡色門前小柜,移動中間紅盒
5. 筆:點啡色門同小柜中間,小柜後
6. 鏍絲批:用𠝹刀,𠝹開梳化中間座既位置
檢視筆,變筆蕊,可以插入小孔,有假鷹 (EAGLE)從鐘入面彈出
打開粉紅電話,睇提示右上/ 下,同左下方提示
C)睇鐘面同隔離張紙,留意紙既綠色格仔係鐘上之綠色格仔延續,再配入(電話提示)得出 ZEEVD:
a. (鷹 ﹣ 獅子) 由鐘上假鷹到紙右下角獅子: ZE,星,獅子,先取 ZE
b. (獅腳 - 鷹頭)對照紙,獅腳同鷹頭中間夾住兩個字母: EV
c. (鷹頭 - 獅子)對照紙,鷹頭同獅子夾住一個字母:D
睇電話提示得知LION, HAWK 都係要 = 0,而之後既字母由 1 再重新開始數,所以:
A=0, B=1,C=2,D=3,E=4,F=5,G=6,H=0,I = 0,J=1,K=0,L=0,M=1,N=0,O=0, P=1,Q=2,R=3,S=4,T=5,U=6,V=7,W=0,X=1,Y=2,Z=3
對照 ZEEVD = 34473, 入密碼門,進入另一間房
7. 鹽酸:白色高身藥柜,玻璃柜左邊內
8. 燈泡:藥柜隔離,綠色燈,檢視,移開前面個蓋可以拎
9. 書:房中房,床下
10. 鏡:床尾柜內
11. 木棒:拎鏡個柜左邊牆夾住
12. 蓋:離開有床既房,去書柜頂拎,用木棒
13. 白色鷹頭:手術枱隔離啡柜上,白色擺設上半部份
14. 鎖匙咭:
i. 先張燈泡放入拎了白色鷹頭個擺設入面
ii. 檢視鷹頭,再點個蓋,鷹頭會倒轉可以裝野,再拎去水龍頭裝水,再放將個蓋放上去
iii. 放加左水既鷹頭上番去擺設上
iv. 將鏡放上手術枱左邊子架上
v. 入房中房,關燈,床上方既牆上有光影,用鏍絲批點箭咀上條線
15. 鎖匙:
i. 將書放入微波爐,退出一格畫面等爐門關上,再按掣開動微波爐
ii. 待微波爐停左,檢視書,用𠝹刀,會變左個隋圓形白色物體
iii. 放隨圓物體入杯,加入鹽酸,變鎖匙
iv. 拎番入房個水盆,開水,再點杯方可拎鎖匙出黎
16. 電腦:去啡色門前小柜,下格,用鎖匙,電腦會放响啡柜上,睇提示 (要按左上角張匙卡先可以進行下一步)
17. 逃出:
i. 再番鷹頭擺設,插入鎖匙咭,再入房中房,關燈,見一堆圖案
ii. 順道去藥柜,左邊地下,睇日曆紙:June 23 53 (提示 upside down 解密碼)

﹣睇番牆上提示,若紅針指 7 = 蝴蝶,橙針指圓形係 5,照數會發現鷹 = 4,山= 12

因為牆上圖案同鐘左右相反,得知每組字要左右調轉,變 3421,再將密碼上下倒轉 (按 June 23 53 提示),應該得知最後密碼
iii. 去電腦,入密碼: Eh51
To Dor's
Dor!! I need English, I'm stuck in the dungeon!
ReplyDeleteCaRMeN: 多謝多謝~
ReplyDeleteMike 25: Which part are you stucking? I'm not going to make full translation for every posts, so you may posts questions instead~ Thanks for supporting
ReplyDeleteThanks Dor!!!! You are genius! I still wonder how you obtained the password for the laptop, the pattern on the wall, the hints on the laptop drive me crazy!
ReplyDeleteAnnie: 檢視鷹頭,直至話佢可以用黎裝野,再點個蓋佢先會反轉
ReplyDeleteTried... but still can't.
ReplyDeleteAnnie: perhaps you try to plug the bulb into the eagle body first and try again
甘米撈撈: 唔駛客氣 ... sorry 呀我尋日開完個題就走左佬 >.<
ReplyDelete我都成日以為個鷹頭燈隔離個暗格入得,不停咁 click 佢 T.T
ReplyDelete妳講個暗格我都有狂按!Give me 5!
今次咁多fake人位架!=口= ⦅定其實佢本身真係有用但諗唔到點用廢咗咧?
妳有冇收到我blog個msg?因為我好多唔add ge人,所以唔肯定有冇妳響個list!>"<
Rach: I cannot figure out the computer pw by 100%, still think some problem of my solution..... >.<
ReplyDeleteI have put the bulb into the griffin, and now I cannot figure out the next step. It's probably best that you don't translate everything, I like to try and figure some things out. But these games are tough!
ReplyDeleteWhere are you from, Dor?
ReplyDeleteMike: I'm from Hong Kong
ReplyDeleteAfter putting the bulb, you check the eagle head with the lid (which picked from the top of the bookshelf), the eagle will turn upside down. Go to the sink, take some water, close with the lid. Then you'll be able to put the eagle head above the bulb.
After this, put the mirror on top of the steel stand (left side of the operation table), click on it, find flash diverted to the small room.
Go to the small room, switch off the light, see the light reflected by the mirror on the wall (above the bed). Use screwdriver to click the 'line' within the reflection, take the key card... try to work out the followings~
Hint: Need to 'cook' the book afterward
I got it! Not sure how you figured out ZEEVD, but I'm glad you did! thanks again!
ReplyDeleteMike, base on the 3 directions on the mobile (I, II, III):
ReplyDelete1. Eagle to Lion: Upon you get the 'Eagle' from the clock, along the 'green line' from Eagle to the 'Lion' in the paper, you see ZE, star, in the middle
2. Lion foot to Eagle head: Look at the paper, see "EV" inside these 2 patterns
3. Eagle head to Lion: Look at the paper, see "D" between these 2 patterns
Then, according to the mobile, all LION & HAWK = 0, and alphabet afterward starts from 1 again, so:
A=0, B=1,C=2,D=3,E=4,F=5,G=6,H=0,I = 0,J=1,K=0,L=0,M=1,N=0,O=0, P=1,Q=2,R=3,S=4,T=5,U=6,V=7,W=0,X=1,Y=2,Z=3
Base on above list, ZEEVD = 34473
P.S.: Translation of Broken flower is done, check it out. Cheers~
我入左好多次34473佢都話我wrong password
MeowChloe: 你放大電話提示睇 (除左左上角外另外三角),中間圖案,整鐘入面隻鷹出黎,要點出提示話鐘同紙上既格仔可以連埋咁,再拉近睇張紙,應該就開倒。你每個位要重覆點到面面對白都重覆,確定睇晒提示為止
ReplyDelete冇得玩咁睇住攻略當玩左啦 :P
ReplyDelete呢個game真係超級難玩!!!! 冇版主提示係點諗都解唔到題! 版主好叻呀! thx! ^^
ReplyDelete唔駛客氣~ 呢個 game 都幾煩,啲 code 轉彎抹角,花多啲時間,再不停試吓就拆倒架勒 ^.^
ReplyDelete*all in Chinese*
ReplyDeleteGod damn.
Praise jegus for Google translate. :33
btw, I thank you for being, like, the only person on the Internet to have walktroughs for the AppNavi games. You are my saviour.
You're a genius, can understand the broken translation~ What's the next game you're heading to? I can help to provide 2 free translation too :P Let me know
ReplyDeleteminniemicky, 你放左燈泡入去未?Click 左個鷹頭,放左水,放上蓋,再檢視個鷹頭睇旁白,先可以放番上去,試吓得唔得丫
ReplyDeleteHi Dor,
ReplyDeleteThanks for al the effort. I'm afraid I still don't get the Eh51 pass. 51 and h make sense, obtained from 12 and 4, but I don't get how can you get an E from 8 (and don't use June 23 53).
Could you post a translated version, starting from June 23 53?
Thanks a lot
Miguel, base on the clocks reflection, MOON should be counted as "8", but check the hint from computer, see the lower part of the orange arrow switched to 3, so MOON comes to 3 instead of 8 (tried 5 but the combo doesn't work). Base on the June 23 hint, upside down 3, turns to E
ReplyDeleteIt still does not make much sense. Orange arrow in clock moved from 5 to 3, and red from 7 to 1. But I really wonder how you madre the connection to the mountain with that.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot anyway