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Sims Social @ Facebook: Anything else?

Upgraded my Sims Social to level 50 before the Mid-Autumn Festival, skills levels:
-Cooking level 85 
-Drawing, Music, Writing level 84 

But require below level to unlock the final level... guess must buy some skills items with 'real money'
-Music, Writing level 85
-Cooking level 86
-Drawing level 87

I'm sick of being a 'good person', so I'm super mean to my neighbors these days, and keep doing 'bad' things to them which is impossible to do in the real world, hehe ^O^ Besides these, don't know what else I can do in this Sims Social, perhaps redesign the house again?


  1. -口-,, 最憎design間屋...仲redesign添?? ||orz
    我未試過pee落人地d plants度~~!!!
    我又想試...xDDDD 試下去妳度pee先..((喂

    PS: 我都好憎呀..部直身琴...成85(?)金...逼人用real money買...唔係就咪鬼要...好cheap...>口<!!

  2. 除左 redesign 間屋諗唔倒仲有咩好做丫嘛 >.<

  3. 仲有電視收音機可以調亂d台~
