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AppNavi: The Drifting Locked Chamber 飄流教室 (Free)


1. 膠紙:門附近,紙箱堆中

2. 間尺
i. 檢視膠紙,見提示: Mirror
ii. 去三格企身高柜,點柜同熊貓公仔中間位置,見鏡,再按鏡會變斜,見熊貓柜後有野
iii. 去熊貓柜後拎間尺

3. 紙條:去船頭,左邊玻璃,用間尺拎

4. 鎖匙
i. 書架上格,睇 Picture book, 內有狗圖畫,點吓右邊紙位,尾會擺動, 再去下頁
ii. 用紙條,畫面話太闊,要先用間尺整開佢,再放紙條,見提示: PATI
iii. 去書架右邊夾萬,輸入 PATI,見鎖匙

5. 萬花筒: 書架左邊牆上有個上鎖柜,用鎖匙打開

6. 鐵鈎
i. 睇萬花筒,最後有提示,去門上方
ii. 面向門既畫面 (唔駛拉近睇),點門既上方,有藍色箭咀,再點箭咀見 12 (2次方)(要放到最大睇)
iii. 去剛才拎鎖匙個柜,下面個九格柜,中上方一格,輸入密碼: 144

7. 摩斯密碼紙
i. 番去見 12 (2次方)畫面,將鐵鈎掛上天花板個鈎,拉出梯,但話太黑唔可以上去
ii. 去梯邊地下,見紙

8. 湯包
i. 檢視鐵鈎,見鈎位好黑,拎去船頭右邊窗,用窗邊水抹乾淨,見提示: URLD
ii. 去 First Aid 箱,依 'Up Right Left Down' 次序輸入

9. 六角匙
i. 書柜右邊夾萬下方拎圖 (熊貓)
ii. 去熊貓公仔,拎起公仔左及右手,轉去公仔背面

10. 手柄:三輪裝置,用六角匙點最右一個輪

11. 碟
i. 門邊發電機,用手柄,加膠紙,再拉手柄至充滿電
ii. 上梯,微波爐個柜右邊 (與右邊柜夾住),地下

12. 匙𡙡
i. 將湯倒入碟,開微波爐加熱,等一陣
ii. 湯加熱完成,點畫面話唔可以就咁食
iii. 去微波爐右邊個柜,右邊有兩雙碟,點上面一隻,移開就見

13. 舵
i. 點湯,用𡙡食完,碟底有提示: 5 (書)
ii. 番書柜,拎紅色第五本書,用摩斯密碼紙,見畫面要用無線電救求
iii. 摩斯密碼紙,後面,見提示: 0106
iv. 上梯,左邊畫面有無線電,輸入 “0106”, 開左機
v. 點住密碼紙 (於 inventory 中),點右邊入密碼長方掣位,再按大機組,見提示:右右左
vi. 去無線電左邊柜,按: 右右左

14. 鏍絲批:檢視舵,見:星星星,去三格大柜位輸入密碼

15. 離開
i. 去下層中間,綠色放舵個位,發現唔知向邊個方向先去會港口
ii. 去上層,無線電下,個枱右上格柜桶,開唔倒柜,用鏍絲批,點吓會去左枱既右邊,有個掣可以打開,開柜見指示:向南行
iii. 下層,綠色放舵位置,拉近,睇頂頭個指南針,再裝上舵及用鏍絲批固定,一直按個舵至畫面話船而家向南行
iv. 去船頭右邊,見燈光,畫面之後話有人叩門,之後就可以開門走得~


  1. 多事多事~~
    係咁簡單我先可以自己過關咋,好開心呀,我會重複又重複咁玩架, 呵呵

  2. 恭喜恭喜~ 我反而覺得呢個 game 先係 escape game 應有既模式,之前有啲 game 有啲為左難而整難佢咁,我懷疑有啲答案係 IDAC 揾人响 forum 放出黎先帶人解倒 :P

  3. 哇!今次真係好直接!
    i like it!

  4. 可能係要個主角自己檢討吓自己人緣唔好,同叫佢戴眼識人呀 ~

  5. Heyy I was wondering if you have an English translation of this puzzle >< I'm stuck. I found the code sheet but I don't know what else to do now. I haven't opened 2 of the other safes. One with the symbols the other one is the first aid kit ><

  6. Have u get the panada drawing under the safe ? (right side of the bookshelf)
    Have u get the hook? Check it and see the hook end is dirty, so clean it with the rain (right front windows), see URLD ... this is the code of the first aid box: Up Right Left Down

    Try if u can solve the followings. Cheers

  7. Oooo!! Thank you so much! Haha I'm really bad at Chinese and I tried to google translate your answer but I didn't get the panda part T.T

    Thanks so much!! ^^

  8. Guess it's hard to translate my writing, coz most of them are in verbal cantonese :p
    Few more code u'll hv to use: 144 ( safe, left to the bookshelf), 0106 ( radio), Right Right Left (safe left to the radio), Star star star ( downstairs symbol lock) Enjoy the game~

  9. Hi. I can't get the paper into the book with the dog. Please can you help? Thank you.

  10. 發覺AppNavi d game真係出得好快, 好想玩呀, 但俾USD1.99真係唔多願意

  11. 係超快。當佢不均一個星期一個 paid apps, 一個月都比成舊水買佢啲 apps

  12. 呀多氏!妳好勁呀!用2日假玩晒d game 無妳唔知點算! thx

  13. 你仲勁,我玩左幾個月,你兩日搞掂晒啲 game ^.^

  14. 無妳既攻略就唔只玩兩日啦!所以專登開個a/c thank you 妳!

  15. Hey I've got the hook and the 湯包
    But I cant get the drawing:-(
    Please help me:-((
