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Stupid me @ Sims Social (FB)

Just find out today that my Sims always talks to the little clovers on the ground to gain the Social Energy on her own.... Isn't she too bored?

Here's my decorated home, wish I have a real one like this  ^.^ Current house value: 144K, but I still can't post requests to my friends asking for Alien Toys, Pens, Bread, Milk etc..... >.<

Besides, I really want a fish tank which I saw in my neighbors home, but I can't see it in my shop... why.................................................


  1. 我又玩返la~ 玩玩下真係上左癮, 狂等佢回復energy, 不過我得13lv, 39K咋... 努力升lv買多d野, 但係d friend成日都唔幫我手送野俾我@@

  2. haha, 我都係,好似痴左咁成日等佢加番 energy 田 ^.^
