1. 啡色柄:唱片播放機上,右下角
1. Brown knob: Right lower corner of the record player
2. 唱片:唱片柜內,中間黑色一張
2. Record disk: inside the cabinets in front of the poster, pick the middle black one
3. 鏍絲批:去書枱,右上格,用啡色柄
3. Flathead Screwdriver: go to the computer desk, use the Brown Knob on the right upper drawer
4. 延長線:書柜邊藍色圓桶,用鏍絲批打開
4. Extension cord: use the screwdriver to open the blue round box next to the bookshelf
5. 飛機模型:小窗前吊住,先點飛機,話太高拎唔倒,再將書枱前藍色櫈往右移,點櫈,再點飛機就可以
5. Airplane model: click the little plan in front of the small window, it's too tall to reach. Then, click the blue chair in front of the desk, it'll move to the right hand side, click the chair again, you'll be able to get the airplane model
6. 指針:牆上,鐘,用鏍絲批
6. Clock hand: use the screwdriver to take it out from the clock (hanging on the wall)
7. 把手:枕頭下,拿了用鏍絲批修復
7. Handle: under the pillow, repair it with the screwdriver
8. 磁鐵:唱機下,綠色柜,將把手放入右邊門就可以打開,見小鳥錢箱。檢視子鳥錢箱,見底部有個蓋,話太緊,用鏍絲批打開
8. Magnet: go to the green cabinet under the record player, put in the handle (item 7) to the right door side, get a bird shaped coin bank. Check the coin bank, use the screwdriver to take out a magnet from the bottom of it.
9. 粘合劑:書柜,最底一格,移開中間一排紫色書,見暗格,用指針
9. Glue: bottom of the bookshelf, take out the blue books in the middle, use the Clock Hand to open the hidden compartment
10. 刀片:書枱,右方座枱燈,用磁鐵
10. Blade: go to the desk, blue light, use Magnet to take out the blade from the top (middle of the light)
11. 電話:衣柜,用刀片點啡色大褸 (與紅/綠衫交叠位置附近)
11. Cell phone: inside the closet, use the blade to check the brown coat (click where the red/ green clothes across with the coat)
12. 十字鏍絲批芯:去床邊架上,蝴蝶擺設,按手機第一個提示,得出 RLLLRRL (R = 右,L=左),拎出紅筆,檢視紅筆,變十字鏍絲批芯
12. Philips Screwdriver : go to the butterfly display next to the bed, press RLLLRRL (R = Right, L = Left), take out the red pen, check it, will turn to Philips Screwdriver (must click until you see: "what is all of this.....?" on the screen)
解提示: Decoding:
![]() |
寫 3 7 21, 上下反轉張紙,如上 |
- 3 - E 即係上下180度反轉
- 電話提示: 7 21 21 7 7 7 21
- 反轉變左:LRRLLLR,再由尾倒轉睇番就係
- base on the 1st message from the cell phone "7 21 21 7 7 7 21", hints 3 = E means to see the message upside down. So you just turn your device upside down, will find 7 turns to L, 21 turns to R, this is how you get the RLLLRRL code
13. Box & 14. Tape:
i. Check the Philips Screwdriver and click the flathead one, the handle will switch. Take out the screw of the bed (fixed to the floor) with the Philips Screwdriver, push up the bed, see the box
ii. Take the box, see a round compartment, again switch the screwdriver handler to the flathead one, use it to open the compartment, see a strap. Check the strap with the blade, here's the Tape
要解15 ﹠ 17,要先睇電腦入面既日記:
-去唱機,加延長線,放入唱片但冇芯,放入十字批芯再加入唱片,播歌,再按右下角個掣逆播,發現可以係密碼咁 。拎番條電線。
- 再落枱底,用膠紙,再加粘合劑就可以固定
- 去電腦睇日記
To unlock item 15 & 17, need to look at the diary inside the computer first:
- Go to the record player, plug in the Extension Cord, try to put the Black Record on it but missing a tip. Use the Philips Screwdriver shaft as the tip, put the Black Record, a Japanese nursery rhyme comes out from the record player. See the three buttons on the record player, press the left dial, makes the record play backward, screen shows "Could this be used as a code?" Take the extension cord back
- Go go the desk, plug in the extension cord under the table, go to the screen an open the file, power went out. Go back to the PC plug, screen shows it's loose. Then, put the Tape around, add glue, go back to the screen, read the diary until the last page.
15. 紙盒: 去海報後夾萬,輸入 1723 (電腦檔案見面時間 5 點同11 點)
15. Paper box: to go the safe behind the poster, enter 1723 (Last page of the diary shows meeting time at 5 & 11 p.m.)
16. 綠色絲帶:將紙盒放响書架中間空既一格,用刀片打開,倒出一堆人偶後,就見絲帶可以拎
16. Green ribbon: put the Paper Box in the middle of the bookshelf, open it with the blade, dolls pull out from the box, take the Green Ribbon (click the dolls too, see it can be used as a code)
17. 橙色鎖匙:睇電腦知房既主人 16歲 7 個月大,變晒日數,配合電話密碼 (16年 x 365 + 7個月 x 30), 密碼 6050,飛機會變左鎖匙
17. Orange Key: Base on the diary, know that the master son age 16 years 7 months, look at the second message of the cell phone, turn 16 years 7 months to days base on 16 x 365 + 7 x 30 = 6050, this is the code for the airplane
18. 放大鏡:用橙色鎖匙打開木盒
18. Magnifying Glass: use the Orange Key to open the box (item 13)
1. 去衣柜,地下,點鎖匙會將鎖匙放左入油入面,個紫色蓋會蓋上
2. 用放大鏡檢視綠色絲帶小字,見 510
3. 輸入 510
1. Use the Magnifying Glass to check the Green Ribbon, see 510
2. Go to the bottom of the closet, click the key it'll fall into the oil. Put the purple box on the oil glass, enter 510 (1 digit on each line)
按門口就可以離開 Click the door, you can leave now
ReplyDelete電話要睇 1Y=364 1M=30,電腦 file 要睇到最後一頁話 5 ﹠ 11 點聯絡咁,睇晒就開倒
加左個圖响上面,其實將 3 7 21 寫出黎,上下調轉睇張紙就可以, 21變 R 就要加少少想像力... 希望你明
定係會有下集? 我地做個細路解密? 咁就正la~
ReplyDelete我覺得佢 16 唱機個線索應該係用黎解 12 既其中一個部份,咁先應該將左右倒轉解提示。
另一方面,唔攞倒十字鏍絲批又解冇唱機芯喎... 我下畫比佢 ‘kick' 住左好耐....
him: sorry 呀,我之前上下左右不分寫錯左 >.<
ReplyDelete你用放大鏡睇左條絲帶應該就啱架喎,510 要放大左咁....
ReplyDelete試咗好多次啦,個大510 有"叮"一聲㗎••••佢話"設置新的密碼前,用必須輸入舊密碼"之後我按510,佢話"密碼好像錯了"•••• wu wu ••••激死我啊•••我叫carmen ,冇係呢度開account~~之前一試到唔掂嘅escape game 就會搵您㗎啦~~你好勁啊~~~~^^
ReplyDeleteto candy,飛機果度我之前都唔得,如果用iPhone 嘅話可double click 個圓形制(home 制),交叉咗個app navi 再重新入去就得㗎啦~~不過記得要較自動儲存遊戲先~~~^^
ReplyDelete但是我放上胶纸 想用黏合剂的时候
不让我使用黏合剂 怎么办?
ReplyDeleteClick the left underline, type 5
Click the centre underline , type 1
And then click the right one, type 0
And finally click enter
Candy: 6050 唔得,你試吓按吓紙箱倒出黎既人偶,好似放到1607 咁,之後畫面話可以係密碼咁.... 話我知得唔得丫~
ReplyDeleteCarmen: 多謝晒你跟我黎,唔好話我勁,我只係鐘意玩,一齊研究吓啫.... 我今日都比個左左右右 kick 左好耐 :P
ReplyDeleteSarah, 你要先把延長線用于唱机那边,放入唱片,用十字批芯放唱盤中間,播歌之後再逆轉唱盤,把延長線再去電腦那边用。
ReplyDelete成功了 太感谢你了
ReplyDeleteTo RIck,
Where is the Adhesive Tape?
ReplyDeleteSway: there is a string inside the compartment under the bed, check the string, use the blade, it'll turn to an Adhesive Tape
ReplyDeleteOhhhh... 原來不是開木盒 :P
ReplyDeletenut: 木盒開左模型飛機就拎倒鎖匙開
ReplyDelete我睇哂電腦同電話嘅msg & file,但飛機個密碼都話我錯嘅?開唔到喎!
ReplyDelete電話 msg 要睇到差唔多有一句話: what is it about? , file 睇到最後一頁,再唔得就睇吓由紙箱倒出黎既人偶,至見倒話可以做密碼咁
多謝啊~~~~~~~~~ ((我望住個 7 21 7 7 7 21 呆左好耐..=口=))
你去台灣仲上網,因為啲上網費呀 :P 但多謝支持~我都諗過轉新 blog 可能冇晒啲舊‘朋友’... 好彩好多個都有 ‘浦頭’, hehe
ReplyDelete唔駛多謝我呀,大家玩吓啫,我寫攻略 blog 都係諗住記得自己 ‘曾經’ 痴左咁勁响到‘逃走’ 啫, 寫寫吓 blog 又發現原來都仲有唔少逃走迷,haha
個 7 21 7 7 ... 我當日都呆左好耐,又入唔倒 apps forum 睇,好彩我開左個 post 响我 blog 同人 discuss 有人提水比我 :P 之後有人話將部電話上下倒轉就見答案,係最簡單既方法 ^^
係咪要跟住RLLLRRL禁噤嗰隻蝴蝶形公仔嘅左右面架?點解試咗好多次都攞唔度紅色個button嘅 :(((( 請高人指點
ReplyDeletemy hero!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: 你按之前要睇左電話第一個訊息先 (訊息直至見倒:What is it about? / 這是什麼?) 咁上下既對白,跟 RLLLRRL 次序按個蝴蝶擺設,再按紅色掣就可以拎紅筆
ReplyDeleteMy account: 2am1
ReplyDeleteLaiwunyee: what's it for?
ReplyDelete((題外話: 我去到酒店佢問我mind唔mind轉間 "大一點, 可是只有一張床" ge房......我見自己ok, 又大少少...就okay啦.....點知佢比間有廳有房, toilet有按摩浴池又有企浴, 馬桶有洗pat pat功能ge大房我!!!!!..>"< 好high~~ 咁都叫 "大一點"...??)) <<PS: 我fb有狂影..!!!!
妳勁多忠實擁done囉~ 唔會冇人嚟啦一定~~~!!!! 之前我冇蒲頭都係因為要準備去台灣...好累= =
escape games真係好好玩..=P,, 但玩過App Navi之後.....我近期download過數隻escape games都覺得好無聊....- -||,, 都係cont'期待每個Friday.........
ps:: 點解我明明POST咗呢段嘢數次但冇咗ge...?? repeat咗唔好blacklist我..=[]=
Hiii, 你呢個留言唔知點解去左 spam 呀,我剛剛先見倒 :P
ReplyDelete你台灣住邊間咁筍既? 我五月頭都去左一轉台灣呀,都係去食食食同浸温泉
我前排都 download 左幾個 bored.com 既 escape game 黎玩,都係唔鐘意,啲畫面唔靚,又難拎啲 item 黎用