今日新聞有一單僱客被逼簽約既新聞,詳文: http://hk.news.yahoo.com/舒適堡涉逼簽約-擅取卡連碌16次-214630892.html
呢單新聞令我諗起大概十年前,有次陪朋友去 ‘現 X 美容’ 試做個 HKD38 facial,去到職員話優惠只適用於新客戶,為左核實身份要我地比身份證佢,當時亦無懷疑乖乖交出身份證然後入房試做。職員初時極力游說我同朋友分房做,話單人房會比較舒服,我倆堅持一齊,之後被帶入一間雙人房中。入到房換件袍,好快有兩位美容師入黎,一瞓低開始,兩位美容師不斷 sell 各式各樣既 treatment, 想我地改做幾百蚊既 facial, 由於我地係貪佢 HKD38 夠平先黎,要做幾百蚊駛咩黎呢到,所以我地十分堅持唔改做其他項目,美容師都話無問題。
針清途中,美容師對我地講呢個 HKD38 係個基本 facial, 蒸完 + 針清就冇,但蒸完毛孔大左最好做個 mask, 而加之精華先做 mask 效果就最好,但咁樣一加要 HKD150 (咁上下),我同朋友都拒絕左,一來覺得呃錢,二來覺得個美容師手勢好求其,唔值得再比百幾蚊响到,於是唔駛半個鐘就做完左個 facial, 只覺得黎洗左個面。以為比錢走得? 冇咁易。
試做完,兩位美容師响門口等我地換番好衫,帶我地去左一間房,中間一張辦公枱,對面係一個著 suit 既高級職員,而兩位美容師就企左响我地後面,封住左個門口。
一入到房坐底,高級職員四萬咁口,問我地個 facial 好唔好,我地話 ‘唔係好得’ 之後,佢仍然笑騎騎咁話:唔緊要,我地下次安排啲好有經驗既美容師幫你地做,包你地滿意。而家 promotion, 你地買 100 次平均每次都係 HKD2XX, 好抵架,你地兩個可以 share 一個 course, 見係你地先比呢個 offer。
我地堅持話唔駛,試做完都唔覺好,點會買,高級職員之後就响到促銷,由 100 次減到 50 次, 30 次,15 次, 10 次... 我同朋友都堅拒,成個過程差唔多三十分鐘,同我地做個 HKD38 facial 時間差唔多。而我實在比佢煩到堅忟,拎左八十蚊出黎就諗住走 (兩個試做夾埋都係HKD76),點知兩個美容師封住度門唔比我地出去!!!
個高級職員之後話,我同你地講左咁耐你地唔係十次都唔買呀嘛... 聽倒呢句火都黎,係佢自己响到狂 sell, 我地一早都話左唔會 join! 我朋友係 ‘和氣派’, 不停話算啦唔好嘈,佢地人多呀,不如我買十次算啦... 但嗰刻我邊聽得入耳丫,淨係叫我朋友唔好出聲。嘈嘈吓之際朋友問左一句:係喎,我地個身份證仲响佢地到....
講完呢句,呀高級職員拎左出單出黎,叫我地簽十次,我就嘈佢:簽咩呀,你都痴痴地,要我地買幾多就幾多?你再唔比番個身份證我我轉頭就出去報警,上埋報紙雜誌爆呢單野出黎睇吓以後仲有冇人敢黎。 (嗰個年代尚未流行手機,唔係實拍片。而且我地兩個為左驚失控走去買 course, 都冇帶信用卡去,用手指簽咩!)
我地再嘈左一輪之際,有個類似 ‘經理’ 既人入黎打圓場,拎番我地兩張身份證黎,話今次唔收我地錢,一場誤會啫,唔好咁勞氣。我地拎番身份證都決定早走早著,唔再入呢間黑店!
除左呢單其實仲有好多,忽然想呢單先寫佢.... 但間 ‘黑店’ 今時今日都好似未執~
呢單新聞令我諗起大概十年前,有次陪朋友去 ‘現 X 美容’ 試做個 HKD38 facial,去到職員話優惠只適用於新客戶,為左核實身份要我地比身份證佢,當時亦無懷疑乖乖交出身份證然後入房試做。職員初時極力游說我同朋友分房做,話單人房會比較舒服,我倆堅持一齊,之後被帶入一間雙人房中。入到房換件袍,好快有兩位美容師入黎,一瞓低開始,兩位美容師不斷 sell 各式各樣既 treatment, 想我地改做幾百蚊既 facial, 由於我地係貪佢 HKD38 夠平先黎,要做幾百蚊駛咩黎呢到,所以我地十分堅持唔改做其他項目,美容師都話無問題。
針清途中,美容師對我地講呢個 HKD38 係個基本 facial, 蒸完 + 針清就冇,但蒸完毛孔大左最好做個 mask, 而加之精華先做 mask 效果就最好,但咁樣一加要 HKD150 (咁上下),我同朋友都拒絕左,一來覺得呃錢,二來覺得個美容師手勢好求其,唔值得再比百幾蚊响到,於是唔駛半個鐘就做完左個 facial, 只覺得黎洗左個面。以為比錢走得? 冇咁易。
試做完,兩位美容師响門口等我地換番好衫,帶我地去左一間房,中間一張辦公枱,對面係一個著 suit 既高級職員,而兩位美容師就企左响我地後面,封住左個門口。
一入到房坐底,高級職員四萬咁口,問我地個 facial 好唔好,我地話 ‘唔係好得’ 之後,佢仍然笑騎騎咁話:唔緊要,我地下次安排啲好有經驗既美容師幫你地做,包你地滿意。而家 promotion, 你地買 100 次平均每次都係 HKD2XX, 好抵架,你地兩個可以 share 一個 course, 見係你地先比呢個 offer。
我地堅持話唔駛,試做完都唔覺好,點會買,高級職員之後就响到促銷,由 100 次減到 50 次, 30 次,15 次, 10 次... 我同朋友都堅拒,成個過程差唔多三十分鐘,同我地做個 HKD38 facial 時間差唔多。而我實在比佢煩到堅忟,拎左八十蚊出黎就諗住走 (兩個試做夾埋都係HKD76),點知兩個美容師封住度門唔比我地出去!!!
個高級職員之後話,我同你地講左咁耐你地唔係十次都唔買呀嘛... 聽倒呢句火都黎,係佢自己响到狂 sell, 我地一早都話左唔會 join! 我朋友係 ‘和氣派’, 不停話算啦唔好嘈,佢地人多呀,不如我買十次算啦... 但嗰刻我邊聽得入耳丫,淨係叫我朋友唔好出聲。嘈嘈吓之際朋友問左一句:係喎,我地個身份證仲响佢地到....
講完呢句,呀高級職員拎左出單出黎,叫我地簽十次,我就嘈佢:簽咩呀,你都痴痴地,要我地買幾多就幾多?你再唔比番個身份證我我轉頭就出去報警,上埋報紙雜誌爆呢單野出黎睇吓以後仲有冇人敢黎。 (嗰個年代尚未流行手機,唔係實拍片。而且我地兩個為左驚失控走去買 course, 都冇帶信用卡去,用手指簽咩!)
我地再嘈左一輪之際,有個類似 ‘經理’ 既人入黎打圓場,拎番我地兩張身份證黎,話今次唔收我地錢,一場誤會啫,唔好咁勞氣。我地拎番身份證都決定早走早著,唔再入呢間黑店!
除左呢單其實仲有好多,忽然想呢單先寫佢.... 但間 ‘黑店’ 今時今日都好似未執~
前幾日有個 friend 無端端 msn 問我點睇菲傭居港權問題,well...... 呢位朋友一向只對 shopping 同番工有興趣,當時我反而想知佢點解突然間關心起時事問題。
原來呢位朋友早一晚去 clubbing, 席間有人講起呢個話題,我呢位朋友隨口講左句 ‘梗係唔比得啦,佢一個帶晒成家黎,分分鐘搞到幾十萬人黎香港,點算。到時個個唔做野去攞綜援,咪又係我地呢啲納稅人比錢’ 。之後引發起連串爭論,我朋友同其中一個 'club' 友講到面紅耳熱,但因為佢平時冇咩留意新聞詳情,佢之前講既 ‘會帶幾十萬家人黎香港...’ 都係某日聽電視新聞講咁,講完再冇任何支持理句。而辯方另一邊,都只係講得出 ‘住七年就有權’ 呢個大道理。
呢班 ‘朋友’ 咁有興趣討論呢個題目,並唔係突然間關心起呢個社會,只係佢地唔少人屋企都有工人,响到諗萬一真係做七年就變港人,佢地要比最低工資咪 PK ..... 另一方面,工人做幾年就要換,想教死人咩,好工人可遇不可求呀... see, 呢個就係現實!
唔知係咪讀書時讀政治,雖然覺得香港政治無藥可救,睇報紙都係睇 ‘副刊’ 比較多,但呢單菲傭事件成日比人搬出黎辯論,多少都對正反雙方意見都有啲理解。正既不外乎人權,住七年就應該有 ’權‘ 申請做港人,而成件事確實係响呢個 ‘權’ 字上糾纏不清,點介定呢個權。有人搶住出黎話要人大釋法,但咁容易就叫人大釋法,又會引起另一波問題,好多隱憂。
最誇既一個反對論點係,舊年菲律賓人質事件,菲律賓個總統仲未道歉,國仇家恨點可以比菲律賓人做香港人?!而 ‘港府敗訴將會有超過四十萬人來港’,其實又有咩數據支持呢?人講就係?講嗰個咩句心?純粹挑起港人反對既神經?又有冇人比較過 ‘每年’ 大陸用結婚,來港生仔,港人內地出生子女,家庭團聚等等唔同名義黎香港既中國人有幾多?佢地又冇對香港造成負擔咩?
無論首判結果係點,輸方都係不斷上訴,有排搞,咪又係浪費公帑囉。可惜浪費公帑係香港政府最叻做既野..... 真無奈。
原來呢位朋友早一晚去 clubbing, 席間有人講起呢個話題,我呢位朋友隨口講左句 ‘梗係唔比得啦,佢一個帶晒成家黎,分分鐘搞到幾十萬人黎香港,點算。到時個個唔做野去攞綜援,咪又係我地呢啲納稅人比錢’ 。之後引發起連串爭論,我朋友同其中一個 'club' 友講到面紅耳熱,但因為佢平時冇咩留意新聞詳情,佢之前講既 ‘會帶幾十萬家人黎香港...’ 都係某日聽電視新聞講咁,講完再冇任何支持理句。而辯方另一邊,都只係講得出 ‘住七年就有權’ 呢個大道理。
呢班 ‘朋友’ 咁有興趣討論呢個題目,並唔係突然間關心起呢個社會,只係佢地唔少人屋企都有工人,响到諗萬一真係做七年就變港人,佢地要比最低工資咪 PK ..... 另一方面,工人做幾年就要換,想教死人咩,好工人可遇不可求呀... see, 呢個就係現實!
唔知係咪讀書時讀政治,雖然覺得香港政治無藥可救,睇報紙都係睇 ‘副刊’ 比較多,但呢單菲傭事件成日比人搬出黎辯論,多少都對正反雙方意見都有啲理解。正既不外乎人權,住七年就應該有 ’權‘ 申請做港人,而成件事確實係响呢個 ‘權’ 字上糾纏不清,點介定呢個權。有人搶住出黎話要人大釋法,但咁容易就叫人大釋法,又會引起另一波問題,好多隱憂。
最誇既一個反對論點係,舊年菲律賓人質事件,菲律賓個總統仲未道歉,國仇家恨點可以比菲律賓人做香港人?!而 ‘港府敗訴將會有超過四十萬人來港’,其實又有咩數據支持呢?人講就係?講嗰個咩句心?純粹挑起港人反對既神經?又有冇人比較過 ‘每年’ 大陸用結婚,來港生仔,港人內地出生子女,家庭團聚等等唔同名義黎香港既中國人有幾多?佢地又冇對香港造成負擔咩?
無論首判結果係點,輸方都係不斷上訴,有排搞,咪又係浪費公帑囉。可惜浪費公帑係香港政府最叻做既野..... 真無奈。
Sims Social @ Facebook 之 攞你命 (3000)
今日終於可以入番自己屋企,但不停叫我揾朋友既同時,一去人地屋企就出現個死人 3000 error, 我就黎冇朋友到死架勒... 唔止咁,完成特定任務明明出左 bonus icon,之後又出 Snagging/ error icon, 一切化為烏友。即係話,現階段只可以乖乖等 5 分鐘儲一格 energy 再升級啲 skills, 其他咩都唔好做...
諗過一走了之 delete 個 game, 但又唔捨得個 ‘模擬之家’, 我個幾星期 ‘供’ 到佢 house value 125K, 仲响佢勁 bug 前我先裝修完,舖好晒地磚同牆紙,又整好左個 Jacuzzi, 現實冇得浸都可以得閒去浸吓嘛... 真係人生交叉點....
剛啱仲發現我個 sims boyfriend 飛左我,係咪佢見我幾日冇去所以另結新歡 >.<
諗過一走了之 delete 個 game, 但又唔捨得個 ‘模擬之家’, 我個幾星期 ‘供’ 到佢 house value 125K, 仲响佢勁 bug 前我先裝修完,舖好晒地磚同牆紙,又整好左個 Jacuzzi, 現實冇得浸都可以得閒去浸吓嘛... 真係人生交叉點....
剛啱仲發現我個 sims boyfriend 飛左我,係咪佢見我幾日冇去所以另結新歡 >.<
加左個 Linkwithin 入 blog 之後,發覺所有 related blog 都係嗰幾個... 點解呢?初時以為 blog 內文少圖,但我已經好努力咁响新文章到加圖,但結果都係咁.... 唉...
iphone apps - Fragger 限時免費
遊戲原價 USD0.99, 限時免費唔知到幾時。
遊戲有少少似 Angry Birds, 但今次操控既係一個負責擲手榴彈既人,透過調節角度及力度,於指定手榴彈數量下炸死晒啲敵人,完成任務。
呢個 game 我得閒都開出黎玩吓, 因為好多時一關都搞好耐先過倒,相當耐玩同要用腦,有時要較到手榴彈同時炸開,利用反撞牆/柱,後溜,又或者炸到指定木條或者木板去特定位置先可以完成任務。
下載 link: http://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/fragger/id373046496?mt=8
P.S.: 玩到唔識玩可以去 youtube 揾片
遊戲有少少似 Angry Birds, 但今次操控既係一個負責擲手榴彈既人,透過調節角度及力度,於指定手榴彈數量下炸死晒啲敵人,完成任務。
呢個 game 我得閒都開出黎玩吓, 因為好多時一關都搞好耐先過倒,相當耐玩同要用腦,有時要較到手榴彈同時炸開,利用反撞牆/柱,後溜,又或者炸到指定木條或者木板去特定位置先可以完成任務。
下載 link: http://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/fragger/id373046496?mt=8
P.S.: 玩到唔識玩可以去 youtube 揾片
Yarn Bombing Day
我腦海中既織物不外乎頸巾,冷衫,披肩等等... 上個冬季得閒都織左幾條頸巾,簡單款幾日可以起貨,但覆雜如織件衫,分分鐘要成個月,織完仲未必可以著上身。
剛剛睇倒一篇幾得意既文章,關於 Yarn Bombing Day,就係靠 ‘織’織出無限創意。Yarn Bombing 有些少似係外國既織物快閃黨,一班女子走圍四圍織。呢個創意無限既念頭,源於美國 Houston, Magda Sayeg 本來响自己間舖看舖悶得滯,將佢既服裝舖門柄套上織物,點知之後有人專登去影相。之後 Magda 同其他朋友衝出舖周圍織,好似織人地架車, 天綫,等等等等。詳細內容可以睇原文, 仲有好多得意相 ﹣
剛剛睇倒一篇幾得意既文章,關於 Yarn Bombing Day,就係靠 ‘織’織出無限創意。Yarn Bombing 有些少似係外國既織物快閃黨,一班女子走圍四圍織。呢個創意無限既念頭,源於美國 Houston, Magda Sayeg 本來响自己間舖看舖悶得滯,將佢既服裝舖門柄套上織物,點知之後有人專登去影相。之後 Magda 同其他朋友衝出舖周圍織,好似織人地架車, 天綫,等等等等。詳細內容可以睇原文, 仲有好多得意相 ﹣
Original source (Including photo): http://column.etnet.com.cn/column-list-EtnetcolB1/6372.htm
Author: 黎堅惠小姐 (Winifred Lai)
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“织物炸弹”也可成为Fashion |
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但如果被“织物炸”是阁下的车,你又如何反应 |
AppNavi: Eyes to ambush 黑暗中的瞳孔(FREE)
1. 啡色柄:唱片播放機上,右下角
1. Brown knob: Right lower corner of the record player
2. 唱片:唱片柜內,中間黑色一張
2. Record disk: inside the cabinets in front of the poster, pick the middle black one
3. 鏍絲批:去書枱,右上格,用啡色柄
3. Flathead Screwdriver: go to the computer desk, use the Brown Knob on the right upper drawer
4. 延長線:書柜邊藍色圓桶,用鏍絲批打開
4. Extension cord: use the screwdriver to open the blue round box next to the bookshelf
5. 飛機模型:小窗前吊住,先點飛機,話太高拎唔倒,再將書枱前藍色櫈往右移,點櫈,再點飛機就可以
5. Airplane model: click the little plan in front of the small window, it's too tall to reach. Then, click the blue chair in front of the desk, it'll move to the right hand side, click the chair again, you'll be able to get the airplane model
6. 指針:牆上,鐘,用鏍絲批
6. Clock hand: use the screwdriver to take it out from the clock (hanging on the wall)
7. 把手:枕頭下,拿了用鏍絲批修復
7. Handle: under the pillow, repair it with the screwdriver
8. 磁鐵:唱機下,綠色柜,將把手放入右邊門就可以打開,見小鳥錢箱。檢視子鳥錢箱,見底部有個蓋,話太緊,用鏍絲批打開
8. Magnet: go to the green cabinet under the record player, put in the handle (item 7) to the right door side, get a bird shaped coin bank. Check the coin bank, use the screwdriver to take out a magnet from the bottom of it.
9. 粘合劑:書柜,最底一格,移開中間一排紫色書,見暗格,用指針
9. Glue: bottom of the bookshelf, take out the blue books in the middle, use the Clock Hand to open the hidden compartment
10. 刀片:書枱,右方座枱燈,用磁鐵
10. Blade: go to the desk, blue light, use Magnet to take out the blade from the top (middle of the light)
11. 電話:衣柜,用刀片點啡色大褸 (與紅/綠衫交叠位置附近)
11. Cell phone: inside the closet, use the blade to check the brown coat (click where the red/ green clothes across with the coat)
12. 十字鏍絲批芯:去床邊架上,蝴蝶擺設,按手機第一個提示,得出 RLLLRRL (R = 右,L=左),拎出紅筆,檢視紅筆,變十字鏍絲批芯
12. Philips Screwdriver : go to the butterfly display next to the bed, press RLLLRRL (R = Right, L = Left), take out the red pen, check it, will turn to Philips Screwdriver (must click until you see: "what is all of this.....?" on the screen)
解提示: Decoding:
![]() |
寫 3 7 21, 上下反轉張紙,如上 |
- 3 - E 即係上下180度反轉
- 電話提示: 7 21 21 7 7 7 21
- 反轉變左:LRRLLLR,再由尾倒轉睇番就係
- base on the 1st message from the cell phone "7 21 21 7 7 7 21", hints 3 = E means to see the message upside down. So you just turn your device upside down, will find 7 turns to L, 21 turns to R, this is how you get the RLLLRRL code
13. Box & 14. Tape:
i. Check the Philips Screwdriver and click the flathead one, the handle will switch. Take out the screw of the bed (fixed to the floor) with the Philips Screwdriver, push up the bed, see the box
ii. Take the box, see a round compartment, again switch the screwdriver handler to the flathead one, use it to open the compartment, see a strap. Check the strap with the blade, here's the Tape
要解15 ﹠ 17,要先睇電腦入面既日記:
-去唱機,加延長線,放入唱片但冇芯,放入十字批芯再加入唱片,播歌,再按右下角個掣逆播,發現可以係密碼咁 。拎番條電線。
- 再落枱底,用膠紙,再加粘合劑就可以固定
- 去電腦睇日記
To unlock item 15 & 17, need to look at the diary inside the computer first:
- Go to the record player, plug in the Extension Cord, try to put the Black Record on it but missing a tip. Use the Philips Screwdriver shaft as the tip, put the Black Record, a Japanese nursery rhyme comes out from the record player. See the three buttons on the record player, press the left dial, makes the record play backward, screen shows "Could this be used as a code?" Take the extension cord back
- Go go the desk, plug in the extension cord under the table, go to the screen an open the file, power went out. Go back to the PC plug, screen shows it's loose. Then, put the Tape around, add glue, go back to the screen, read the diary until the last page.
15. 紙盒: 去海報後夾萬,輸入 1723 (電腦檔案見面時間 5 點同11 點)
15. Paper box: to go the safe behind the poster, enter 1723 (Last page of the diary shows meeting time at 5 & 11 p.m.)
16. 綠色絲帶:將紙盒放响書架中間空既一格,用刀片打開,倒出一堆人偶後,就見絲帶可以拎
16. Green ribbon: put the Paper Box in the middle of the bookshelf, open it with the blade, dolls pull out from the box, take the Green Ribbon (click the dolls too, see it can be used as a code)
17. 橙色鎖匙:睇電腦知房既主人 16歲 7 個月大,變晒日數,配合電話密碼 (16年 x 365 + 7個月 x 30), 密碼 6050,飛機會變左鎖匙
17. Orange Key: Base on the diary, know that the master son age 16 years 7 months, look at the second message of the cell phone, turn 16 years 7 months to days base on 16 x 365 + 7 x 30 = 6050, this is the code for the airplane
18. 放大鏡:用橙色鎖匙打開木盒
18. Magnifying Glass: use the Orange Key to open the box (item 13)
1. 去衣柜,地下,點鎖匙會將鎖匙放左入油入面,個紫色蓋會蓋上
2. 用放大鏡檢視綠色絲帶小字,見 510
3. 輸入 510
1. Use the Magnifying Glass to check the Green Ribbon, see 510
2. Go to the bottom of the closet, click the key it'll fall into the oil. Put the purple box on the oil glass, enter 510 (1 digit on each line)
按門口就可以離開 Click the door, you can leave now
AppNavi Escape Game: Eyes to ambush 黑暗中的瞳孔 ﹣ Discussion
新 game 出左, forum 上唔倒,有冇興趣呢度 discuss 吓? 我宜家拎左十一樣野
搬 Blog 鎖碎事 + 在線人數顯示
搬屋煩,原來搬 Blog 都好煩 >.<
年幾前係一早响呢邊開左個 blog 先再開 yahoo, 但初時諗住 Yahoo 方便少少,於是一直都冇响呢邊 post 任何野。近日Yahoo blog 將會強制 upgrade, 效果..... 令我下定決心搬番番黎呢個封塵既舊居。
文章可以一篇一篇從 yahoo blog copy & paste 帶過黎, yahoo 既留言帶不走,訪客人數要重新累積,新居背景,文字,顏色,版面等等要重新設定...... 但我幾享受呢個過程,搬既候順道重温大家既留言。 Blog 內部份舊內容自己都唔太記得,睇番感覺好得意,好似睇緊人地既野。
剛剛亦好奇去睇吓 yahoo blog 排行榜,原來 Dor's Talk 於累積排行排到 88 (其實唔太明啲 stats 點黎,瀏覽人數一欄跟我 blog 入面的數字冇一個對得上...),都算意外收獲 ^.^
‘裝修新居’ 既同時,好想加個在線人數顯示,search 左好耐終於揾倒個唔駛登記,唔駛幫人買廣告既外掛程式: http://whos.amung.us/showcase/
只要 copy & paste 個程式碼响自己 blog 入面既 HTML 連結就可以,唔駛一分鐘,開心 ^O^
年幾前係一早响呢邊開左個 blog 先再開 yahoo, 但初時諗住 Yahoo 方便少少,於是一直都冇响呢邊 post 任何野。近日Yahoo blog 將會強制 upgrade, 效果..... 令我下定決心搬番番黎呢個封塵既舊居。
文章可以一篇一篇從 yahoo blog copy & paste 帶過黎, yahoo 既留言帶不走,訪客人數要重新累積,新居背景,文字,顏色,版面等等要重新設定...... 但我幾享受呢個過程,搬既候順道重温大家既留言。 Blog 內部份舊內容自己都唔太記得,睇番感覺好得意,好似睇緊人地既野。
剛剛亦好奇去睇吓 yahoo blog 排行榜,原來 Dor's Talk 於累積排行排到 88 (其實唔太明啲 stats 點黎,瀏覽人數一欄跟我 blog 入面的數字冇一個對得上...),都算意外收獲 ^.^
‘裝修新居’ 既同時,好想加個在線人數顯示,search 左好耐終於揾倒個唔駛登記,唔駛幫人買廣告既外掛程式: http://whos.amung.us/showcase/
只要 copy & paste 個程式碼响自己 blog 入面既 HTML 連結就可以,唔駛一分鐘,開心 ^O^
AppNavi: The Meddling Shogi Player 礙事的棋手 (Free)
一早預左今日出新 game, 去左成日澳門都心掛掛,入香港水域就即刻上網,打機打到攞紙筆出黎係咁畫,隔離位應該以為我痴左....
遊戲關鍵係要知道棋既移動方向, 明左既就唔難同好快可以解晒密碼 (但好煩,成日要對個表),唔明既都幾頭暈。再次忍唔住,玩完個 game 打完攻略先瞓,凌晨兩點半完成 ^O^
遊戲關鍵係要知道棋既移動方向, 明左既就唔難同好快可以解晒密碼 (但好煩,成日要對個表),唔明既都幾頭暈。再次忍唔住,玩完個 game 打完攻略先瞓,凌晨兩點半完成 ^O^
1. 手巾:門口右邊柜,中間横放一本書,打開書
Handkerchief: Inside the book, in the middle of the bookshelf
Handkerchief: Inside the book, in the middle of the bookshelf
2. 角棋:地球儀左邊 Kaku Piece: Next to the Globe
3. 貼子:門口右邊地球儀下,密碼鎖上方
Tape: above the safe lock, under the the Globe
Tape: above the safe lock, under the the Globe
4. 鏍絲批芯:雪柜,打開柜門,下方,地下 (順手將個温度掣右移令個柜凍)
Screwdriver shaft: open the fridge, can see it at the bottom of the fridge (Turn the temperature control to 'Freezer' first)
Screwdriver shaft: open the fridge, can see it at the bottom of the fridge (Turn the temperature control to 'Freezer' first)
5. 鏡碎片:雪柜,右方,從大塊爛鏡拎下
Mirror shards: from the broken mirror
Mirror shards: from the broken mirror
6. 水龍頭柄:棋子枱 B, 左邊有盒棋,入面
Faucet's handle: click to the table B, left side, inside the shogi pieces boxes
7. 將棋:綠色黑板,右邊,左下方,貼左响度
Osho piece: right side of the black board, left bottom side,sticking on the black board
8. 杯:
i)去綠色黑板睇玩法,再去ABCD 枱睇棋既布局,但只可以响棋盤內移動,揾倒密碼開鎖: 7149,去打書枱前個櫈鎖住嗰個杯
Glass: go to the black board to study the moving rules of the pieces, and go check out all pieces on table ABCD (need to click also the ABCD words on the table as well). Go to the green chair in front of the desk, key in the password "7149"
Glass: go to the black board to study the moving rules of the pieces, and go check out all pieces on table ABCD (need to click also the ABCD words on the table as well). Go to the green chair in front of the desk, key in the password "7149"
A: 飛 ﹣ 只上,下,左, 右 移動,因上,右已出棋盤範圍既都唔計,如下...
A:Hisha piece - can move only up, down, left and right. As up and right side already out of the board, no need to count. So you can see a '7' from board "A" according to the moving trace, as below:
A:Hisha piece - can move only up, down, left and right. As up and right side already out of the board, no need to count. So you can see a '7' from board "A" according to the moving trace, as below:

B:香只可以向上移 B:Kyosha piece, can move up only, see "1"

C:香只向上 ;飛上,下,右 (右邊已經出棋盤,唔計)
C: Kyosha piece can move up only ; Hisha can move up, down and left (right already out of the board) , see "4"
C: Kyosha piece can move up only ; Hisha can move up, down and left (right already out of the board) , see "4"

D: 香向上 ; 飛向上,下,左,右
D: Kyosha can move up only ; Hisha move up, down, left and right (movements out of the boards are not counted), doubled line count as 1, so you see "9" here
D: Kyosha can move up only ; Hisha move up, down, left and right (movements out of the boards are not counted), doubled line count as 1, so you see "9" here

9. 鏍絲批:
i) 將雪柜內温度較去冷凍(向右)
9. Screwdriver:
i. Make sure the temperature of the fridge is turned to "freezer"
ii. Go to the sink, put on the faucet's handle, open the faucet, use the cup to take some water
iii. Put the screwdriver shaft into the cup (with water)
iv. Put the cup into the fridge, water around inside the room, water will turn to ice
v. Take out the frozen cup, put it under the water of the sink, here you go a ice screwdriver
10. 骰: 書枱右邊,同牆相連空隙夾住,用鏍絲批拎
10. Dice: go to the right side of the desk, between the wall and the desk, take it out with the screwdriver
10. Dice: go to the right side of the desk, between the wall and the desk, take it out with the screwdriver
11. USB 線:書枱電線後方,按左邊書枱可以見有野响入面,再點書枱可以移開,拎 USB 線 (一定要拎左骰先, 拎唔倒既先去電腦底個柜桶,話開唔倒先,再試)
11. USB cord: behind the desk (close to the curtain), click once you'll find something in between there, then backward 1 time the screen, click the desk, the desk will move out and you can then take the USB cord (you have to take the dice, and try to open the drawer under the computer first)
11. USB cord: behind the desk (close to the curtain), click once you'll find something in between there, then backward 1 time the screen, click the desk, the desk will move out and you can then take the USB cord (you have to take the dice, and try to open the drawer under the computer first)
12. 風筒:拎完USB線,可以打開電腦下個柜桶
12. Dryer: Go to the drawer under the computer, just open it
12. Dryer: Go to the drawer under the computer, just open it
13. 電池:書枱上個鐘,番轉,用鏍絲批打開
13. Battery: Turn the clock on the desk, use the screwdriver to open the screw
13. Battery: Turn the clock on the desk, use the screwdriver to open the screw
14. 鎖匙:
i) 檢視將棋,用鏍絲批,會變一條小匙
iii)將風筒插入書枱牆後個插頭,再點骰,可以撕走面頭紅色貼子,用之前 ’將棋‘ 合成粒棋鎖匙打開粒骰
14. Key:
14. Key:
i. Check the Osho piece, turn to the back, use screwdriver, it'll turn to a key
ii. Check the dice, use screwdriver, find the 'red dot' is a sticker but cannot be taken out
iii. Plug in the dryer to the outlet (around where you found the dryer), highlight the dice and click on the dryer, sticker will be disappeared. Use the Osho key to open the dice, here you go another key
15. 頭骨:
i) 去 C 枱,反轉枱上個鐘,於底部入電池
ii) 去鐘正面,貼上貼子 (item 7), 見提示 CAEA
解: C = 4 (見 item 8 C); A = 7 (見 item 8 A)
E =去 D 枱,有咖啡嘖,見隔離有個 E 字。將毛巾放上去,再放 ‘角棋’所啡色漬最底位置。角棋只可向左上,右上,左下,右下 行,所以得出 X (乘號),拎番毛巾,待用
15. Skull:
i. Go to table C, put the battery into the blue clock on the table
ii. See the front side of the blue clock, put the Tape on (item 7 of your inventory list), see CAEA
Decode: Refer to above decoding, C = 4, A = 7
E: go to table D, see the coffee stain, see the "E". Put the handkerchief below the stain, put the Kaku piece on. According to the rules of Kaku movement, you'll find out it turns to "X" as below (take back the handkerchief):
iii) 去地球儀下個密碼柜,入 0329 (CAEA = 47 * 7 = 0329)
iii. Go to the safe lock under the Globe, enter 0329 (coz CAEA = 47x 7 = 0329)
iii. Go to the safe lock under the Globe, enter 0329 (coz CAEA = 47x 7 = 0329)
16. 相機
i) 檢視頭骨,觀骨位有粒鏍絲,用鏍絲批打開
iii)再按一次令對 ‘眼’向柜入面,可以見有個頭頂位有個窿,插入鎖匙
16. Camera
i. Check the Skull, see a screw there, unlock by the screwdriver
ii. Check the Globe, open the open wood support, turn it until you can see the 'eyes', then put the skull on the globe
iii. Click once the skull, see a hole on the skull/ globe, put the 'key' inside
iv. Click the eyes of the skull/globe, then you can move away the skull, open the globe, here's the camera
i)去電腦,見 ‘door_pass' 檔案,有提示:DAEF
解: D, 見 8 i) D = 9 ; A, 見 8 i) A = 7 ; E - 見 15 ii) E
F - 去窗邊,將手巾貼上,有三點 “X” 提示, 用玻璃點手巾左上角,會cut 走左三個 X 形 (留意毛巾响窗上時,見倒毛巾上有個 “F” 字“)
- 去電腦,插入 USB 線,再加相機
- 去電腦,插入 USB 線,再加相機
- 開電腦,有個 “F” 檔案,打開,放上毛巾,見 ‘香,金,飛’
﹣香向上行 ;金向上,下,左,右,左上,右上 ;
﹣飛向上,下,左,右行。得出 17 (之前以為係 177 但話唔啱,試 17 OK,結論係重覆線當一條線睇,即係兩個 7 重叠左變一個 7)
ii)所以DAEF = 97 * 17 =1649
i. Go to the computer, see file 'door_pass', hints: DAEF
Decode: you know already DAE means 97 x 1 (F), to find F:
﹣Go the window, put the handkerchief on it, get closer, see 3 'X' marks, use the mirror shards to click any of the X, all 3 'X' marks will be taken (click also the "F" mark on the handercheif before you remove it)
- Go to the computer, plug in the USB cord and the camera
- Open the "F" file, put the handkerchief on the monitor, can see only three pieces. Pieces movements as below:
ii. As DAEF = 97 x 17 , so the final password of the door is 1649

AppNavi: The Meddling Shogi Player 礙事的棋手 (Free)
Escape Game,
The Meddling Shogi Player,
Hong Kong
AppNavi: Cradle of Shadows 影子的搖籃 (USD1.99)
1. 鎚仔:白色柜,右上角一格
2. 鏡:去垃圾筒,番轉佢,用鎚仔按幾次
3. 金色鎖匙:檢視鎚仔 (順手砌番埋佢,待用)
4. 鏍絲批:用金色鎖匙,打開拎鎚仔下一格既柜
5. 手套:拉其中一邊窗簾約三次,去書枱右邊地下拎
6. 電線
i) 放鏡放响窗前,去垃圾筒嗰邊既牆睇提示 (<-2 ->5 <-> 7)
ii) 番白柜,左上角個鎖,以箭咀做起點,向左數兩格,直接按落去,再去右數五格,向左七格,向右七格
7. 插頭板 & 8. 電話:去窗下個插頭,用鏍絲批
9. 電池:
i) 大門口右邊,關燈
ii) 去見倒門既畫面,按上方,會見天花板既橙
iii) 用鏍絲批打開燈就見
10. 紅色鎖匙:
i) 拎完電池,用手套就可以拎燈泡出黎
ii) 檢視燈泡,用鎚仔
11. 電話電線 & 12. 提示紙
i) 去白色柜,右邊,後面,地下
ii) 見一個藍色六邊形盒,用紅色鎖匙打開
13. 紅色墊
i) 去書枱底,用鏍絲批開地下暗格,放入插頭板 (item 7)
ii) 去枱面,插電線入電腦,再去枱底插埋另一邊
iii) 番書枱面,按電腦下方,番轉左部機,用鏍絲批開四邊鏍絲,再按就見同拎倒
14. 跳舞公仔
i) 檢視電池,畫面話你知係電話用既
ii) 檢視電話,背面,見冇電池,再放入電池
iii) 插入電話電線
iv) 檢視提示紙,再加上紅色墊,見提示 “1 3 2 1 < V V” (答案:其實拼埋佢會變成 13 = B, 2 = Z, 1<=K, VV = W)
v) 打開電話,按中間位,見有欄位叫輸入密碼,就入 BZKW,確定
vi) 將電話插入電腦右邊槽位
vii)按電腦屏幕,再按屏幕右下角個掣,見 folder,有三個 files, 打開睇晒佢,會有提示要去某一個牆位 knock 三下 (其實即係垃圾桶嗰邊,去到見有一格牆黑左咁就係)
ix) 左上方畫面多左一個細既掣位,按一下,拉近,位太細開唔倒個掣
x) 檢視電話,打開上方天線位,用天線位開個細掣
xi) 有多左個柜出黎,右下角有個熊公仔,按幾吓至公仔背面,再按背面會打開,見跳舞公仔
15. 音樂盒:拎左個跳舞公仔既同一個柜,左上角一格就見
16. 大門鎖匙: 打開音樂盒,放入公仔,再按,音樂盒下格打開見大門鎖匙
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