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AppNavi: The Phantom Composition 夢幻般的遺作 (Free)

多謝 GinSon 友情客串完成今日既攻略 ^o^ 本人仲未下載遊戲,劇情我玩完再補上 :P

Again, THANK YOU Ginson~~~~~~


再次 good & bad ending 結局 -
Good ending: 主角代偶像完成遺作,大受歡迎,但冇人知主角有份參與
Bad ending: 自己試吓啦~


108  : 12 x 7 + 24
Do Mi So, Fa Ra Do, So Ti ReA – Z 排三組字的第一個字母, 即 D… F… S….
F-G-C:大門口左邊書架,右下角本書提示,樂曲最終以 F G C 完結


  1. 好快手啊GinSon,我都係剛剛先下載:p

  2. 不小心拿了张不是CG结尾的名片,换不回去了,门外的人说了不是了也没用。。。怎么换啊。。。

  3. kharnak, 回咭片簿可以換回來的

  4. Hi Dor! This time I'm completely stuck! I think I have to find some batteries for the cleaner to start... right?

  5. Hi Demis, please read all books in bookshelf first (4). And yes, first items are batteries. After u found the cleaner inside a cabinet (under a light) in the room, click the cleaner, see no battery inside. Then, go and find the metronome in the main room, click until you can flip it and look at the bottom, see a hint there, then key in 108 in the front side.
    Go to put the battery into the cleaner, you'll know more batteries are needed. Back to the main room, go to the tuning meter next to the computer screen, ask u to put in alphabetical order. Re-arrange the order from left to right: Fa.... So... Do..., get the batteries and put into the cleaner.

    Go to the ash tray on the table (inside the room), use cleaner, find a box of match, then go to the oboe in the main room, use cleaner again to get the reed. Use the reed to light up with the match box, use the fire to melt the ink inside the writing set (next to the piano).

    Use fire to get the nipper on a table too.

    Use nipper to get the wire (packed in a bag) inside the closet of the bedroom, find out it's actually guitar string. Go to the main room, guitar, use nipper to cut the guitar string, get the pick, then repair it with the guitar string u got from closet.

    Go to the box under TV inside bedroom, use the pick from guitar, get pen. Can fill the ink into pen first. Use pen to pick a key behind the TV cabinet (zoom from the right side back).

    Read the diary on the desk first. Go to the table next to the bed, find a sealed box inside a drawer, use pick, take key. Use key (with music note as handle) to open the cabinet of the bookcase (still inside the bedroom), see a business card book. Pick name card 'Cxxx, Gxxx' (bottom left one), get it to the exit door and put the name card into the mail slot.

    Go to the piano, use key to open the piano lid, pick up the paper on the ground (fell from the piano), put it on the piano (where normally musical note piece put).

    Back to the bed inside the room, use nippers to cut the pillow, take a musical sheet, again put it to the mail slot of the exit door, let the man finishes his words, then go to the piano, key in FGC in the keypad. Use pen to the blank paper, throw it to the mail slot of the exit door again... this is a good ending~

  6. hello! 最近迷上手機版的room escape game (以前都是玩PC flash game 版的) 所以找到這裡來了... 很是多謝你的walkthrough(s)! :)

    就這個遊戲裡的音樂名詞想補充一下: 那些 do re me 是solfrege (唱名)來的,
    絕對唱名=「將 do,re,mi,fa,sol,la,si 與 C,D,E,F,G,A,B 一一對應」.
    la = 這個遊戲裡的RA (日本發音嘛...), 而si = TI (音樂界裡對這第7度音的別稱).

    所以: 名片要拿C... G... 的那個, 因為diary裡有寫學生是"do (chord) / so (chord)" 的人...

  7. Thanks for explanation, vee.
    其實AppNavi既人都要做好多功課去出謎語, 記得有個game係講象棋,真後拗晒頭都諗唔到.

  8. Thank U! This time it was very difficult

  9. Thanks Vee for visiting my blog~~~

  10. GinSon & Dor - 不用客氣!
    話說那次將棋,還真要等精神好一點才去玩! 絕對是靠這裡的walkthrough才成!!!
