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Escape Game: The Stray School 迷失校園 (Free)

1) 粉刷: 黑板前 

2)搖控開關:壁報板上方,長方形窗前,用粉刷擲,拾回搖控及粉刷。順道見地下有提示 (一個五角圖案有 AELMT)

3)鎖匙:去黑板左方見藍色箱响牆上,用搖控打開,按手柄至自來水可以用為止。退出畫面一次,再打開藍色箱,內有鎖匙。之後,去面向壁報板方向,左方枱下,左面櫈,有本書被系在椅上,用鎖匙打開, 見化學符號提示, 得一個有用:鋁 = Al   

4)M,E 碟子:面向壁報板,右面枱面有一杯粉紅液體,點水喉開水,退出一次畫面再番去,關水喉,點載滿水既容器,會出現 “..... 去那裡了呢?” 再點隔離排水溝,打開見兩個黄色碟 (M,E正面/1,2反面)

5)A 碟: 面向壁報板,見有塊水松木告示板,見睇提示 A:B = 2:3,再按右上角翻轉塊板,就見 A 碟

6)T,L 碟:去黑板前方既枱,枱既左下角有寫 '電車是用鋁等做的'。再去實驗室後面,三個高柜,點左邊柜最下一格,見電車,輸入 Al  (L 細階)。呢個個鋁既化學符號,所以一定要做左步驟 3)先密碼先有效。睇路軌下提示 : 5 5 5

7)螺絲批:電腦枱右下格,輸入密碼 METAL (解密碼:檢視 碟子,五隻碟合併成一個 item,按英文碟後面既 1 至 5 次序得出)。打開要再輸入密碼 42513 (解密碼:拎 2)搖控時地上五角形圖案,將 METAL 代入就係呢個密碼)

8)  燒杯:放電車既柜既上一格,用螺絲批


10)紅色小箱子:依然係中間高柜,最底一格,檢視螺絲批手柄密碼 (轉右),按次序輸入正方形,三角形,圓形,倒三角形,星形 (實心圖案)

11)藥瓶 B:去窗簾畫面,中間有個綠色密碼柜。檢視螺絲批手柄,見有左右箭咀,先按左,見密碼:圓形,正方形,倒三角形,星形,三個形 ﹣ 全部空心的),打開柜見有個細鎖匙孔,見點細孔話要條細匙,再檢視之前開書既鎖匙,用螺絲批將佢削細,用呢條匙打開就見

12)吸液管:面向拎藥瓶 B同一畫面,左邊地下有個密碼柜,輸入 555 (電車路軌提示)


14)做溶解液:做完 5)應該睇左提示 A:B = 2:3, 用呢個份量用吸液管,吸 2 份 A + 3 份 B 入燒杯,變成綠色溶解液。之後檢視酒精燈蓋,用溶解液,令蓋入面舊野消失


16)叉子形狀的鎖匙:去黑板前張枱,枱下有個模,將 15)既水倒入去,退出一次畫面再番去,就可以拎倒


18)  玻璃密碼:用拖板連上黑板前插蘇同枱面部粉刷清潔機,開機,放入粉刷,再檢視粉刷打開佢,入面有張紙,再檢視見張紙有三個方格窿。去電腦,打開 desktop 文件,放紙上去,見 Right 3 windows, 再去窗簾,按一下就見倒窗簾拉開左,用粉刷按最左一格玻璃見 '444'

19)大門密碼:1568 + (黑板)444(窗) = 2012


  1. I'm stumped, without giving me too much info, what is my next step? I've got 3 coins, the eraser, some blue metal thing, and a key. I opened the book under the table and now I can't figure out the next step. I tried imputing AELMT into the desk drawer but got nothing. Tried AL on the train, nothing. I'm missing something but I'm not sure what. Could you give me the next step?

  2. Hi Mike,
    Go to the blue control box on the left of the blackboard, open it with the remote control (guess this is the blue metal thing u've mentioned), turn on the control inside. Zoom out the blue box and go back, see a key inside.
    Go back to the notice board view, left side table, left chair, use the key to unlock the book beneath, look at the book, click the chemical sign inside, note "AI" one.
    PW for the train is Al (L in small letter), you'll get another 2 coins. See the hints in the rail "555", you'll have to use this password shortly

  3. I'm not sure what I've missed but that still isn't working. I opened the book, tapped all the elements including Al, went back to the train an put in Al, and I still get a message saying the red light is still on you must have done it wrong. I'm perplexed!!

    I apologize, the blue item I mentioned is actually a grey item with something blue in it. When you tap it it says it sounds like there is something metal in it.

    Sorry to be annoying.

  4. sorry, not "metal" but " something hard inside"

  5. Got it Dor! Had to find the message next to the eraser cleaner first!

  6. Mike, seems you escaped by yourself successfully~ Congratulations ^.^

  7. Thanks, my friend from the otherside of the planet!

  8. Mike, which game you're heading to escape ?
