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Escape Game: The Cage (USD0.99)

1) Key: 門口側邊白色柜,拉近畫面,將柜腳左右兩邊鎖解開,拉遠畫面,按兩次,柜會瞓底,Key 於柜底。再按一次柜回番原位 Key: White cabinet next to the main door, zoom in, unclock the  2 wheels and click the cabinet until it fell down, get the key underneath

2) File: 同一個白色柜,打開下格就有 File: Put the cabinet back, open the door 

3) Bird Model: 去鳥籠, 用 Key 打開,可以拎 Bird Model Bird Model: Go to the cage, use key

4) Book: 鳥籠下個柜,中間位置按一下有一格柜可以打開,用 File 打開 Book: Cabinets under the cage, use File to open one of the drawers in the middle row

5) Piece of Bookmark 1: 去睇鐘, 見 6:05。再檢視本書, 就見第二張 Bookmark (上面有三個數字,我既係364)Piece of Bookmark: check clock, see 6:05, check the book (item 4), see bookmark (there are 3 digits on the bookmark, mine was 364)

6) Piece of Bookmark 2: 檢視 Bird Model 就會見 (上面有另外三個數字,我既係 510). Highligh 第一張 Bookmark, 再加入第二張,合成為一張 2nd piece of bookmark: check Bird Model, find another bookmark with 3 digits (mine was 510). Combine the 2 bookmark, see a six digits password 

7) Gun: 去梳化隔離個柜,上排書左面推開,有個夾萬,輸入 Bookmark 合成密碼。檢視 Gun, 發覺冇子彈 Gun: go to the cabinet next to the sofa, remove the books @ upper left side, see a safe, enter the 6 digits code from bookmark (mine was 364510). Take out gun from the safe, check gun, find out there's no bullet

8) BB Bullet: 去鏡對面梳化上既九格柜,點右上方,見有包白色野但太高拎唔倒。Highlight Bird Model, 主角話佢可以好似真雀咁飛就可以拎倒啲野。跟住highlight 本書,按一下,會撕張紙出黎. 再 highlight 張紙,變 Paper Plane. Highlight 紙飛機,再點九格柜右上方包野,去垃圾筒,打開見子彈. 合成Gun ﹠ BB Bullet BB Bullet: go to the shelf next to the rubbish bin, click the right upper side, see "A White Pack" there on the top but too high to reach. Highlight the Bird Model, see script on the screen telling sth like "flying like bird", then highlight the book, click it, tear out a piece of paper, check the paper and click until it turns to a paper plane. Highlight the paper plane, click the "White Pack", pick it up again from the rubbish bin, check it, see bullet inside. Combine bullet and the Gun

9) CD: 點鏡右下角,見天花板有個氣球。去書枱右邊,向上方點,會見倒個汽球响天化板,揾個飛緊既氣球,用合成好既槍射個汽球,响書枱邊地下執番 CD: click right lower corner of the mirror, see ballon floating in the room. Go to the right side of the desk, click upper side, see ballon, use the combined gun with bullet, click on the ballon, pick up the CD on the floor next to the desk

10) 電腦駁電: 書枱底,插好白色插頭, 再拎白插頭下的黑色火牛。番枱面,將火牛連上電腦。去電腦後面,將火牛另一邊插入拖板 Connect the PC: under the desk, plug the white cord into the power outlet, pick the black power cord

11) 黑色公仔: 按鏡左面,可以反轉番鏡,用 File, 見密碼 (我係: 1M 2C 3BK 4Y, 次次唔同, M = 紅色,C = 藍色, BK = 黑, Y = 黄 )。去書枱,有個四色鎖柜,按上面既次序按即可 Blackdoll: click the left side of the mirror, see the back of it, use File, see code (mine was 1M2C3BK4Y), this password varies every time, M = Red, C = Blue, BK = Black, Y = Yellow. Go to the desk, 4 color lock, open the lock with this code 

12) Card Key: 檢視黑色公仔,打開見 Card Key Card key: check the black doll, open it, see Card Key

13) 電腦密碼: 黑色公仔,反轉,用 FILE, 見密碼 (我係 BLUE4) Computer Password: turn over the black doll, use file, see password (mine was BLUE4)

14) 最後密碼: 放CD 入電腦,見密碼 (之前既 BLUE 4, 加上我今次見係 ORANGE 4 RED 3,可以見 E + N + D ) Final password: put the CD in the PC, see password (from item 13, i got BLUE4, plus the 2 hints from PC: ORANGE4, RED3, means the letter in each "Word". So my password is E + N + D)

15) 鎖匙: 去鐘下面既柜,中間有格入面有個箱,先插入 Card Key, 再輸入上面既最後密碼,就見鎖匙 Key: cabinet under the clock, a box in the middle, insert the Card Key, enter the above password: END (from item 14), see key

拎左鎖匙就可以出去.... Take key, go out from the main door...

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