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AppNavi: The Blood Stained Mansion 血塗館 (Free)


1) Black Jewel: 去左面梳化,拎開 cushion 

2)  Small Wooden Box: 去花樽頂,拎開個蓋

3)  Clock Spring:
i. 檢視 Small Wooden Box,見底部有刻字 (Bx2 + Yx3 + Rx4 + Gx1)
ii. 檢視花樽,見樽上圖案 3 Red 4 Green 2 Blue 5 Yellow birds
iii. 代入樽上唔同色 birds 數量,於 small wooden box 輸入密碼:35

4) Red Jewel: 掛牆鐘,打開上格, 用 Clock Spring, 去鐘既下格,打開

5) Old Rusty Key: 去書柜,檢視書柜上右面隻獅子,移開獅頭

6) Japanese Sword (藍色): 去畫,按一下會見畫後有個上了鎖既柜,用 Old Rusty Key 開,會見一套武士服,拎佢把藍色刀

7)Blade: 去紫色刀架,放 Japanese Sword 上去,下面個柜可以打開,拎把 Sword (紅色刀), 再拎番把 Japanese Sword

8)  Mirror: 去綠色梳化地下,見紙箱,先檢視 Blade 就會除左個劍套,再用 Blade

9)Fan: 去橙色柜,畫面中左上角按幾次,會見柜頂有 Fan, 用 Japanese Sword 拎佢落黎,地下揾番

10) Ladder:
i. 檢視紙扇, 反轉佢會見 Cherry = 3 + 8 ... (意思係 A=1, B=2 咁,照數會計倒 GRAPE = 7 + 18 + 1 + 16 + 5 = 47)
ii. 去橙色柜,輸入密碼 :47

11)Talisman Rope: 去神壇,用 Ladder 就可以上去,按一下就會拎倒 Talisman Rope 

12) Green Jewel: 檢視 Talisman Rope, 用 Blade 切開佢,就有 Green Jewel

13) White Jewel: 用鏡 (白色一面向自己), 放响神壇中間,左邊小門可以打開

14) Cufflinks:
i. 去神壇中間拎番個鏡,檢視佢直到佢反轉你見倒黑底金鳥為止
ii. 再放番境响神壇中間,右邊門就可以打開,會見一本書
iii. 按本書直至見倒 Cufflinks 為止

i. 書柜,移開書,見提示
ii. 用 Ladder 上書柜最高一格,有個紫色盤,按 Green - Red - White - Purple 次序左至右放上啲 Jewel ( 即龍鳳虎
iii. 退一格畫面直至見倒整個書柜,就會見倒灰色門

16) Matches:
i. 密室矮柜,中間一格有個窿,用 Cufflinks 打開
ii. 退回一個畫面打開個柜就見 Matches
iii. 睇柜底一張字,叫你 'Knock three times'

17) 離開:
i. 梳化,關燈
ii. 檢視火柴,點火
iii. 推開左面張梳化,見地下多左個圖案,按三次個圖案就見通道, 走得~


  1. Dor, I need your help getting started on this one! All I have is the toutois coin. I can't find anything else to help me move on. Just a lot of things that I can't reach or won't open! Please help me get started!

  2. Hi Mike, how r u? ^.^ Here's the walkthrough start up:
    1. Black Jewel: Sofa, under cushion
    2. Wooden Box: Check vase
    3. Clock spring: Check the bottom of the wooden box, see hints, check birds numbers (by color), key in :35 in the wooden box
    4. Red Jewel: Clock, upper compartment, use clock spring, lower compartment, take red jewel
    5. Old rusty key: bookshelf, remove the lion head
    6. Blue Japanese sword: Painting, click once the lock behind it, use old rusty key
    7. Blade: Go to the purple sword shelf, put Blue Japanese Sword on it, open the drawer below, take Blade. Take back the Blue Japanese Sword

    let me know if any further walkthrough wanted~ Happy escape~~

  3. Thanks again, Dor! You're amazing!

  4. Guess you got the white jewel, pick up the mirror from the little house, click the mirror until it turns to the back (with a golden bird), put it back to the center of the little house, open the right side door, see a book. Turn the book until you find the cufflinks
