本來冇諗住買呢個 game, 點知今日無無聊聊 click 吓好耐都唔睇一次既 AppNavi apps inbox message,見入面有人留 message 問點玩, 諗住上 forum 見有攻略就唔打,又好似冇咩人講 (都可能係 forum shorting 搞 到啲topic 亂晒籠).... 睇啲人講吓講吓又好似幾好玩.... 個 icon 又好似幾得意 (可惜呢個畫面既海豚已經係最得意...中伏!!!)。Anyway,又敗家了....
首先,呢個遊戲係講個海豚餵飼員夜晚一個人以為有入侵者,要保護啲海洋生物, 而故事成日都圍繞住前餵飼員 Y.S. 先生。有啲提示睇左都唔知用去做咩,但唔睇又唔可以繼續,所以一開始玩建議所有野都 click 吓,好似海星缸邊個袋(入面有魚同 Y.S. 牌掛),大型魚模型 (翅底同按尾成條魚都可以移開,睇兩句說話),海報,垃圾桶底同後既相....
1. 飲管:果汁機下
Straw: bottom of the drink machine
2. 手柄:果汁機,拎果汁位
Handle: drink machine, where the drinks comes out
3. 水筒:啡柜內,用手柄
Bucket: brown cabinet, use handle
4. 鏍絲批蕊:啡柜內
Shaft: on the door of the cabinet
5. 硬幣:啡柜後 ,左邊,拉開個柜
Coin: Left to the brown cabinet, at the bottom, slide the cabinet to the right
6. 金幣:果汁機,用硬幣
Golden coin: drink machine, use coin, get coin from the change part
7. 金幣:海豚池前地下,銀蓋,飲管 (試一次話唔得,再將飲管屈兩次)
Golden coin: Silver cover under the dolphin tank, try to use straw once, won't work, check the straw, bend it twice and use it on the sliver cover again
8. 鎖匙:海星池, 鏍絲批蕊,移開石頭同海參
Key: touch tank, move rock and sea cucumber with shaft
9. 扭蛋盒
i. 睇蟹缸前三個問題+提示
i. check the 3 crab tank and the hint underneath
ii. 蟹缸邊電箱,鎖匙開
ii. use key to open the electric box door next to the crab tank
iii. 電箱中,關:上左燈掣,順手開埋上中燈掣 (開音樂符號個閘門)
iii. electric box, switch off the first row left button, turn on the first row middle button (for opening the music sign door)
iv. 睇缸,數紅色白炸數量 (第二條答案)
iv. check the number of jelly fish (Q2 answer)
v. 開番左上燈掣,數蟹數量 (第三條答案)
v. switch on again the light button,first row left, check number of crabs (answers for Q3)
vi. 第一條問題係八爪魚幾多隻爪... 夾埋答案 845,輸入扭蛋機
vi. Entre 845 in the capsule machine
vii. 於上格放入金幣 X 2, 扭 vii. Insert 2 golden coins into the capsule machine and turn the knob
Notes: before input the code, check the golden coins, and hint paper right to the cabinet on the ground (teaching crab types), and check the capsule machine, see msg about answer questions for souvenirs
10. 鐵鍊:海豚池,音樂符號格 (如果開唔倒要去電掣,開番上排中間個掣),入密碼 5633 (睇唱歌魚畫,見 C = do = 1.... do re mi fa so la te, 兩隻海豚個名: Sora Mimi, 音符變數字 = so la mi mi, 日文 ra 讀音= la),池上方
Chain: see the name tags in front of the dolphin tanks, go to the music sign door, enter code 5633 (make sure the upper middle button is on)... name of the dolphin Sora Mimi = so la mi mi = 5 6 3 3 in musical order. Get chain from the ladder (in front of the dolphin tank now)
11. 魚網
Fish Net
i. 睇海豚缸,見缸底有個魚網
i. look at the dolphin tank, see a net at the bottom
ii. 用鐵鍊拉梯落黎,上池頂,用扭蛋盒擲海豚,海豚送上魚網 (落梯再上,拎番扭蛋盒)
ii. pull down the ladder on top of the dolphin tank with the china, go up to the top of the tank, throw capsule to dolphin, go down the ladder and return, dolphin returns you a capsule
12. 鏍絲批柄:白炸缸,頂,魚網
13. Shaft handle: jelly fish tank, on the top, use fish net
13. 開關掣
i. 組合鏍絲批柄 +蕊
i. Join shaft and handle
ii. 海星池,池邊有舊石鬆,用鏍絲批 (一字),見一個掣,開 (池內水會放晒)
ii. use the flat end to remove wobbly rock in the touch tank, switch on the button and release water
iii. 轉十字批 (按柄上個掣),拎起個掣
iii. change the shaft to 'cross' end by pressing a button on the handle, remove switch
14. 錢幣
i. 海豚池,水桶裝水 (桶會壞左,先用鏍絲批整好個桶)
i. Fix the bucket with shaft, take some water from the dolphin tank
ii. 等水放到差唔多,將池內魚,海蔘,海星放入水桶
ii. Touch tank, while water are released, use net, move see cucumber, fish and sea starts into the bucket
iii. 池底
iii. Coin at the bottom of the touch tank
iv. 將水桶放於海星池右邊,水掣下 (拎住個桶唔可以再上梯)
iv. Put the bucket under the tap (you won't be able to get up to the dolphin tank if you are carrying this bucket)
15. 宣傳單張: 扭蛋機下個柜,用鏍絲批開横格 (一字),於扭蛋機右邊個盤拎番
Leaflet: cabinet under the capsule machine, use flat shaft to open the drawer, pick the leaflet from the plate next to the capsule machine
16. 錢幣
i. 果汁機,用錢幣買飲品,飲完,杯放垃圾桶 i. drink machine, use coin to buy drink, drink it, throw the cup into the rubbish bin
ii. 單張,放入 No Entry / 員工專用門下 (唔用左第一個,拎唔倒第二個)ii. use leaflet under the "No Entry" staff entrance door, get 2nd coin (you must use out the 1st coin before u can get this second coin)
iii. 再用錢幣買飲品,飲完丟個杯入垃圾桶,見提示 (Contributed by Yukio Suzuki) iii. buy drink again with the 2nd coin, drink again and throw the cup to the rubbish bin, see bottom of the rubbish bin...
17. 扭蛋盒:番海豚池,見海豚唔開心,再擲扭蛋盒,落去再番上去,海豚會比另一個扭蛋盒 (用鏍絲批打開,睇內容)
Capsule: go back to the dolphin tank, see Mimi (Dolphin) is unhappy, throw the capsule to Mimi again, go down the ladder and come back, Mimi will return you another capsule with a note inside, see the note
離開.... Leaving
i. 電箱,裝上開關掣入右上角,將四個掣開晒 (ON)
i. electric box, put on the Switch on the right upper button, turn on all switches (UP)
ii. 海豚池,海豚走左 ii. go check the dolphin tank, Mimi is gone
iii. 按上排中間電掣,至電力斷路 iii. touch second switch until breaker is out
iv. 上排電掣左至右為 1,2,3, 以 1312131 次序按,下排圓掣紅燈著,按一下 iv. from left to right, top switches are 1,2,3. Touch the switches in this sequence: 1312131, you should hear a noise now and see a red light is on
v. 等海豚缸既水放走晒,用鐵鍊綁住梯,可以落去,走得.... v. dolphin tank is empty now, climb up to the ladder and use chain to go down the tank...
註: 1312131 呢個次序係 forum 上揾的,我都唔明,有人知點解請指教