UV Light (燈胆): 去左面兩棵植物既畫面,中右位置有盞燈,先去燈後既牆睇提示 (箭咀: 上左下左下),退出畫面兩次至燈响中間位,以燈為中心,先按左上角柜打開柜門,再按一次關上,再按左下角柜面兩次 (開左再關上),最後按右下柜面兩次 (都係開左再關上),就話會聽倒啲聲。咁就可以按吓燈既頂部,按幾次可以拎倒個燈胆
Brush (掃): 兩棵高坐地盆栽,右面嗰棵既樹幹, 就見支掃。順道去呢棵植物地下,見一朵花,按一下見 (2=4=A)
Remover (洗甲水): 去三張修甲枱既畫面,最右一張既銀色手推車底下有個紙盒,用Brush 打開就見
Spatula (小鏟): 面對三張修手甲枱,按畫面左上角,去到夜景窗邊地下就揾倒
Nail Glue (膠水): 去中間張修手甲枱,移開櫈,地下有倒出左既膠水,先用 Remover, 再用 Spatula 拎
Extension Cord (拖板): 去按待處既書柜,見左上角有四本書,點吓佢會轉次序,轉到四本書既第一個字,左至右係 NAIL 為止,畫面會話有聲,再去同一書柜中間一格就見拖板
Top Coat (面油): 去收銀機,用Brush ,打開收銀機入,再用 Spatula, 就見 Top Coat
密碼 PARADISE: 去修腳甲位,畫面右面一格,櫈前,移開盤水,有個位要入密碼 PARADISE,入左見 ‘OK’ 再放番盤水上去。做呢個步驟前一定會睇晒以下提示 ﹣
之前拎掃已見 2=4=A
收銀處後幅牆,有個花環,移開見 7=S 3=R
收銀處枱面有張紙條,反轉佢見 1=P 6=I
收銀處電腦屏幕見有三個花既圖案,按晒佢,呢個係三揀一既問題,連埋之前揾倒 1﹣4, 6﹣7 既答案就見 PARA_DI_, 所以揀用第一個答案 5=D 8=E代入
密碼 color: 做完頭先步驟,退出畫面一陣再番去右面修腳位,見盆水有蒸汽出,睇隔離塊玻離見 color
Model Hand: 密碼 color 用於接待處坐枱玻璃枱,輸入密碼即可
Key (雜物房): 去修手甲右面個位,按張櫈幾次至佢上段跌底,就見鎖匙
密碼 Flower: 先用鎖匙入雜物房,去到畫面右面有幅掛畫,反轉佢見提示,對應番黑色格位同英文字,由第一行左至右睇,就見 FLOWER, 待用
Nail File (指甲挫): 雜物房左面柜,中間灰色格可以拉出,拉出就見指甲挫,離開雜物房番洗衣房
Cloth (布): 按洗衣機至見倒佢正面,再按佢右下角見洗衣機既電線,用Extension Cord (拖板)接上洗衣機同電掣,再按至 Power On (通電),去番洗衣機,按粉紅掣開機。先去拎牙膏 (唔拎牙膏,洗衣機係唔會停)
Glitter (閃粉): 去洗手盤上方有Toothpaste 牙膏,要用指甲挫先拎倒。之後開水龍頭沖水,見變左個沙漏,再檢視個沙漏就見 Glitter
Gel A: 洗手盤下方有個粉紅柜,輸入 FLOWER 就見 Gel A 响入面
Gel B: 先去收銀處地下既甲油,先highlight 塊布,再用 Remover, 再按去地下甲油位置先密碼 68091。去藍色機底下個柜,打開,入面有個柜要入密碼,輸入 68091 就開倒,拎 Gel B
Nail Chips (假甲):檢視塊布 (必須之前已沾上左 Remover), 見以下密碼 ﹣
1 3
去修甲位嗰邊既右邊牆掛畫,跟以下次序按畫角,每按一次幅畫一定要郁左先算,都幾難按倒, 一下一下咁先得 (即係畫既左上,右下,右上, 左上重覆三次),按完畫會跌落地,去地下番轉幅畫,用 Brush (掃)打開,就見假甲
裝燈胆: 去右面修甲位,highlight 燈胆再按黑色坐枱燈就可以裝上,待用
Gel 甲程序:
1 先用指甲挫修好甲形
2 檢視 Brush (掃)尾部,見 A=2 B=1,即係 2 份 Gel A + 1 份 Gel B
3 去左面修甲枱,有個 Mortar (小碟),放兩次 Gel A 及一次 Gel B, 再用 Spatula 搞均, Gel 變紫色,再用 Brush 沾上紫色 Gel (如果溝出黑色即係份量錯,按隔離紙巾,清除,再溝,一定要紫色先可以用)
4 檢視 Nail Chips (假甲), 用 Glue (膠水)
5 檢視假手,用假甲,再用已上紫色Gel 既 Brush
6 拎假手去右面修甲位燈下,再去開燈 ,等一陣去關燈就可以拎番隻假手,指甲變紅色
7 去藍色機,放入 Glitter (閃粉), 再放入假手 (要按兩下,手完全放入機為止),再按拎出黎,見指甲好似有花紋
8 檢視假手,用 Top Coat (面油)
整好隻手就可以拎佢去電梯口,橙色個指模識別器,咁就可以離開 (註:隻假手係按老闆隻手整,要 Gel 好晒部機先認倒隻手....)
P.S: 入密碼要留意大小階,有時睇晒提示入密碼唔得,就試吓 save 個 game 再入去,個遊戲間中有 bug
呢個 Broken Flower 係目前為止最花時間既一個,好多密碼要揾
UV Light: Go to the screen where full of brown shelves and a brown lamp in the middle of the screen. Look behind the brown lamp, see arrows. Open the cabinets around the lamp according to the arrows, click two times each (open & close). Go to pick up the UV Light from the top of the lamp.
Brush: See two plants, right side one, click on the trunk (check also the flower on the ground, see 2=4=A, use later)
Remover : three manicure tables, right side one, get a paper box under the sliver trolley, use Brush to open it
Spatula: Look at the 3 manicure table, upper left corner of the room, on the floor (where you see the night scene)
Nail Glue: Middle of the manicure table, remove the chair, see some glue split out, use Remover, use Spatula
Extension Cord: Green bookshelf, arrange the first letter of each book spells NAIL (from left to right), open the middle cabinet
Top Coat : to cash register, use Brush to open it, use Spatula
Code “PARADISE”: Foot spa seat, rightest one, remove the basin in front of the chair. Key in PARADISE. See “OK”, then put the basin back on top of it. Before key in the code, you must check out in advance-
Check the hints under the flower: 2=4=A
Behind the cash register, remove the flower range: 7=S 3=R
Turn over the paper next to the cash register, see 1=P 6=I
Look at all the 3 files inside the monitor (next to the cash register), matching what you found out for 1-4, 6-7: PARA_DI_, so after looking at the 3 files, pick the first answer 5=D, 8=E, get the password: PARADISE
Password “color”: Go back to the rightest foot spa seat, see steam comes out from the basin, and a word ‘color’ shows on the glass next to the seat
Model Hand: Key in ‘color’ next to the glass table in the reception
Storage Room Key: Rightest manicure table, keep clicking the chair until the upper part fell down. See the Kay
Go to the laundry (clicking the left - top of the two plants)
Code “Flower”: Use the key, enter storage room, see a picture on the wall, turn it over, see hints. Get the code “FLOWER”
Nail File: Left side shelf of the storage room, pull out middle grey drawer
Cloth:Look at the washing machine, click the right lower corner, connect it with the Extension Cord, Power On the Washing Machine and turn it on by pressing the pink button (Washing machine won’t stop if you don’t take the Glitter, so come back and take it later)
Glitter: Go to the Toothpaste, use Nail File to cut the ‘white paste’ out. Wash it with water from the tap, white paste turns to hourglass. Check the hourglass, see Glitter
Gel A: Under the sink, pick cabinet, key in ‘FLOWER’
Go back to the washing machine, take out a clean cloth
Gel B: Go to the cash register, see nail polish. Highlight the Cloth in the inventory, use Remover, click on the hint: 68091. Go to the cabinet under the blue machine, key in 68091 as password
Nail Chips: Check cloth, see hints
1 3
4 2
Go to the manicure seats, a painting at the right side back, press according to the above order (1,2,3,4) x 3 times (must press until the picture moves each single time). Once finished the pressing, the painting will fell down, pick it up and turn over, use Brush to open it
Fixing the UV light: Rightest side of the manicure table, highlight the UV Light and press on the black lamp, it’ll be fixed (pending)
Gel nail procedure
1 - Shaping the Chips with the Nail File
2 - Check Brush, see A = 2 B=1, means 2 x Gel A + 1 x Gel B
3 - Go the left manicure table, put 2 x Gel A + 1 x Gel B inside the Mortar, use Spatula, Gel turns to purple color (if it turns to Black, means wrong portion, need to make it again by pressing the tissue next to it)
4 - Use Brush to take purple gel
5 - Check Nail Chips, use Glue
6 - Check Model Hand, use Nail Chips, use Brush (with purple gel)
7 - Use Model Hand to the manicure lamp where you just put the UV Light in, turn it on. Wait for a while, take the Model Hand out, nail turns to red color
8 - Go to the blue machine, put Glitter, then the Model hand (click twice until the model hand is fully put inside the machine)
9 - Wait for a while, take it out, see some pattern on the nail
- Check model hands, use Top Coat
Once finished, take the Model Hand to the detector next to the elevator, you can now leave the shop